"I love you, baby." Zara kissed Mika'il's lips again while panting hard from another escapade of their love making which has been happening for a long time now. She enjoys being in the man's arms everyday knowing he is her man and hers alone.
"I love you too." He whispered and lie down on his back staring at the ceiling like a man that has no purpose in life because he doesn't. He does not work neither does Zara, she wants them to spend the first year of their life with no work stress or anything and he agrees because he was sure he's loved her before he married her. He vowed to never marry if not for love and his parents won't set him for arranged, she also told him how much in love they were ever since they met.
His parents, tears leaked at the sides of his eyes at the thought of them, they are dead and left him alone in this world. His siblings are also dead, he can't believe he got married to such vile woman who killed his whole family for money and if not for his second wife who was quick to outwit her, he was sure he would've been dead a very long time ago now. He would want to see the photo of her but his wife thinks that won't be a good idea because his memories of his parents death will revive and she won't be able to console him. She said he won't be able to handle the fact that he remembered how they died so he agreed and decided not to see, it's for the best.
It's been three months already since they left Nigeria and so far, everything has been perfect in their lives, like there was never any problem to begin with. She showered him with so much love and care that he sometimes feel like a baby. There was never a boring moment with her, they make sure to make most of their days with each other getting to know one another like on first dates only that they end up in a heavy love making session at the end of the day, he enjoys his time with her. They also go to gym together every evening to make the days less boring, he appreciates her effort a lot.
He's got a few Korean friends that can speak good fluent English to help him get through and he has also started learning Korean language, it was hard but he is getting there. He start getting from the small words as water, take, no, yes and so on, he will soon become an expert. There is nothing he wants to do now other than start working as the pilot he is since he found out he has not forgotten anything about his work, they are all fresh in his head. He's asked one of his friends about it there in South Korea and he told him he was going to undergo a few tests whenever he decides to start working so he has been anticipating when his wife will let this honeymoon phase go.
Hopefully, that will be very soon, he has had enough of the honeymoon.
"I've been feeling a bit under the weather so I'll consult a doctor tomorrow, will you join me?" She questioned, her finger trailing down his hairy chest while she stare at his lips with nothing but desire. He is the man but she has the most of the stamina, she is always ready to go down and he don't understand how that happens. She is never shy to say what she wants, he likes that a little because he don't want to keep making wring decisions with gestures.
"What's wrong?" He furrowed his brow acting all concerned, he is really feeling somehow with her but she has never been sick so he feels weird now.
"Maybe in pregnant?" She beamed at him, her eyes searching his to see whether he is happy about the matter and he looks really excited about it. His eyes glowed, he caressed her back adoringly then he whispered.
"I'd be the happiest husband and father alive, I would love to meet our children soon. I hope you are pregnant." He kissed her head and Zara swooned, she snuggle deeper into his arms feeling happy. She wouldn't have gotten anything the Mika'il before except forced happiness of being a father.

RomanceCopyright© 2020. All rights reserved. The morning rays rose above the horizon. Sunlight streamed her bedroom through the gaps of the curtain lightening up the room with warm glow. She rolled over and gazed out the window overlooking the shines over...