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"Have you seen the way he was looking at her? Have you seen how much he didn't want to let her go when she sat him down? He was smitten and didn't want to let her go! It was so embarrassing that I wanted to bury myself deep into the soil at that moment. All his attention was on her the whole night, he couldn't even dance with me without glancing at her every five fucking seconds!" Zara thundered, her heart soaring in the pits of volcano while her hands tremble with the need to strangle someone's neck, hopefully that person should be Bushra Amani!

"Calm down, Sis." Jiddah begged from beside her as she gets dressed for the day ahead of them which is the dinner they have been looking forward to, if she continues been a banshee they won't enjoy a bit of it.

Their sister has been ranting about the event, Kamu which Bushra accompanied Mika'il to and the media won't keep quite about it seeing something unique. It's not everyday that you get to see a man accompanied by his first wife to go to his second wife's wedding event. She has stunned everyone around the place, it was a sudden heavy impact that rendered everyone speechless, even herself. She knew her husband loves his first wife but not to that extent that will have him come to the event together with her.

Their relationship is quite unique not to forget the pictures she uploaded earlier that morning before he left for their knot tying which is enough to ruin her whole day. She has no right to be mad about their relationship since she is clearly the sour thumb in there. But what can she do when everyone is against her wedding with the love of her life while everyone is siding with Bushra Amani against new wife. She hates everyone in the media for not siding with her but she hates Bushra Amani more.

And Bushra's message to her husband that morning before he left. "If this is for the best, then I wish you all the luck of this day, Maan. I hope you find another source of happiness if she is the great one for you. A test shall be sent to each slave of Allah and it's up to that slave to pass it with flying colours. But I know that you are by my side and we shall pass through with glistening lights illuminating our way. May Allah bless you and grant his blessings on all your affairs. Your Beyoncé loves you."

That message went viral in less than thirty minutes as many popular accounts kept reposting it while her celebrities friends praise her for being strong. If she doesn't know the slightest about Bushra Amani, she would've thought that she is doing it for fame but the woman is almost too pure for her own good and it annoys Zara. How can she compete with such pious person who has all the husband's attention? Even the blind could see the love he has for her, even the deaf and dumb could understand the depth feelings he blindly has for his wife.

It's really messing with her head seeing the things her Aunties have done isn't working on Mika'il. They said they went to some sorcerer and paid a huge amount of money which they collected from her. They advised her about it when she complained that they are back together. Immediately, they told her about the sorcerer that works like magic so she is still waiting to see what the night ahead awaits. She would want to see how he reacts upon seeing her in her beautiful gown sewn by his so called lovely wife Bushra Amani.

She will make sure she takes his attention today and side with the fact that he was smitten by his wife before the knot was tied and now that it is tied, he loves her like his life. She can't afford to look stupid there when her co-wife is mingling around with a wide smile, not happening.

"Calm down? Calm down you say? How can I calm down when I have so much in my plate right now? I'm busy doing nothing when my marriage is not even filled with anything but anguish. Not even an ounce of happiness has poured out from it, I can't deal with this." She groaned when she heard the knock on her door then signalled Hanan who has been quite the whole time to open it.

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