"An accident took place earlier in the afternoon and the couple spotted inside the car are dead, no bodies found. They were said to be going to court for a case. Please if you know about any of this, call this number or come to the address written below..." Everyone's blood ran cold hearing the news, they have a whiff of who that person could be but don't want to believe what their guts feelings are telling them.
Mika'il and Zara's death...
It was Kauthar who first stood up and went closer to the television to confirm her fears and when she saw that there is no doubt that was Mika'il's car, she fainted. Afrah started crying loudly while Amir keep on staring at the television as if wanting them to tell him it was all a lie, nothing happened. The other occupants of the room keep on saying 'Innaa lillaahi wa innaa ilaihi raji'un, Allahuma' jurni fii musibatee wa' akhliflee khairan minhaa' because this sure is a calamity that fell upon both the families. The mother died and two days later, the son has followed her and his case, there is no body to bury.
"He can't die, please no. I'm mad at him but he can't die, no, no." Afrah screeched from where she is sitting so Bushra stood up from her sit and round up the dining table to gather her in her arms. She is not going to cry for someone she has no relation with, she can at least console the ones that have.
Mujaheed took it upon himself to go help Kauthar off the floor and to the sofa, she is still unconscious. He stared at her, she looks so fragile crumpled into a futile position like that, he could feel the little pain. He's lost so many close friends when they were at war so he could feel the pain of losing a dear one, though he can't compare to the pain the siblings are going through now. He don't even want to think about Malik Masari, the man will almost lose it if he hears about this. They are sure he's heard already, Amir's phone rang out through the room interrupting everyone from their thoughts and their attention went to him.
"Have you seen the news? Is that Mika'il's car?" Malik Masari's strained voice questioned Amir through the phone, Amir could almost feel the pain his father is going through. It is excruciating, tightening and constricting their chests to spit out all the troubles.
"Yes, Dad. That is Mika'il's car." Amir didn't feel tears, they were not coming when he needed them most. Afrah is balling her eyes out in Bushra's arms, his older sister is unconscious because she'd rather be out of it than cry and be out of it while he, he don't know what is going on with him.
The line went dead, everyone was silent, it was so quite that you could even hear the sound of your heart beating wildly inside your chest. No one knows what to say and the atmosphere is way better like that without any noise, everyone living in their own thought. But they can't just be quite when they heard that their brother is dead out somewhere with no one to identify his body or as they say, his hand. The car caught fire before anyone could reach there, there was no time to call ambulance or the police or the fire brigade.
"I think we should go take the remains of their body." It was Alhaji Abubakar who decided to be the bigger person with less emotions and lead the way. The children nodded and the men followed him while the girls stay behind, they are not in their right state of mind and they shouldn't see that horrible view.
On the way there, he called Malik Masari who said he was already there and Alhaji Abubakar had to admit, the man is really strong. He can't picture himself acting strong if that were to ever happen to his family and some might think he should always be ready for death in his family, huh? It is not that easy though, death is terrible no matter how much you are going to see it coming.
Having three soldiers and him being a humble truthful lawyer is just like putting the lives of his family in line, he can't imagine the pain though. His male children are serving the country, he always waits for the bad news whenever they are on missions but thankfully, Allah hasn't taken any away. And by Allah, he had rather be dead when his children start dying for he can't take the pain of it.

RomanceCopyright© 2020. All rights reserved. The morning rays rose above the horizon. Sunlight streamed her bedroom through the gaps of the curtain lightening up the room with warm glow. She rolled over and gazed out the window overlooking the shines over...