The sun rose from above the horizon, casting it's subtle hues on their faces as they smile at each other. It has been a long night and they only need to take bath and go back to sleep, they hadn't had any the night before. Mika'il has been very adventurous and seeing the henna in her hand only turned him on all the more. He spent the night showing her just how much he loves her and bringing another woman into their lives won't change a thing. Their marriage is still as solid as a rock, he will make sure they are.
"What are you doing?" Amani whined when she felt herself being picked up from the bed where she was snuggling onto like a second skin, she loves their bed a lot.
"You are going to Gigi's today and it is already twelve in the afternoon. Be lucky Anaan didn't wake you up earlier than now." He whispered lowly in her ears then placed her on the floor in the shower cubicle of their bathroom. They are now standing stack naked while she lean on him still trying to catch that sleep that is about to run away.
"I don't want to go. I want to sleep the rest of the day please. Take Anaan wherever you want to go." She grumbled underneath her breath, her breath fanning his naked chest. He tighten his hold on her and shook his head at her laziness, she needs that sleep though.
"Gigi will have our heads if you don't get dressed and drop yourself in her home. You know how she threatened me yesterday, today it won't be empty." With that said, he turned on the water which started sprinkling from everywhere making her shudder. She knew she had to wake up and go to Gigi's or her legs won't work anymore.
She finished taking bath and walked out of the room in a robe to get Anaan dressed so they can leave. Today is the luncheon which starts around three in the afternoon but Mika'il is leaving around four when they finish greeting Gigi. Her heart will always tug in a bad way whenever she thinks about him going to Zara. She thought she was strong and will be able to hold it in but the closer the day, the more her heart breaks. She don't want the day to move, she wish she could stay in her bed with her husband for a long time.
When she woke up earlier, she didn't want to move from her husband's arms. She's got to share it with another woman in less than twenty one days. She thought twenty one days were too short, she can't begin to see how less it is now. She is afraid she won't be able to watch her husband getting romanced by another woman even if she is his wife. Wife or not, she don't want to see that happening in front of her.
Maybe she will set some rules down when she stepped into their home. There are some things that she can't take in. That Zara is not a nice woman, she knows that even before she heard about her husband marrying her. She's done some background check on her when she heard the news too with the help of Fayha. And from the results, none said anything good about her soon to be co-wife. Everyone she asked is replying with negative answer and everything is against Zara so her heart is not at ease.
Even from the social media though she learn not to listen to them, she found so much about her. The girl is literally a spoilt brat from each photo where she has herself wrapped around her father. Not to forget that she is not staying with her mother, who gives most disciplines. Even the mother is not a nice woman so what does she expect from the daughter? None of them are nice, Jiddah is the nicest amongst them though.
She got Anaan dressed into a tortilla coloured shirt with halter neckline then put on a caramel a-line skirt on her. Her feet are closed with small baby shoes, she closed her head with a small tortilla beanie as the weather is a bit chilly. She took her baby with her to their room so she could get dressed too. She drop Anaan on Mika'il's laps then move to the closet to change.

Roman d'amourCopyright© 2020. All rights reserved. The morning rays rose above the horizon. Sunlight streamed her bedroom through the gaps of the curtain lightening up the room with warm glow. She rolled over and gazed out the window overlooking the shines over...