Two hours after their breakfast, they all got dressed into their best outfits. Bushra is wearing a mahogany coloured sarong, a loose plunging frost white shirt atop her hot ruby sport bra that looks like a swimming suit. She tied her hair with matching mahogany veil, took her expensive Fendi slippers and some beach stuff is packed into her Gucci bag. Dealing with people like Zara, she needs to show off her wealth too or she'd look down upon her which is the least she would agree to. Everything about her from head to toe is designer, she is also wealthy.
Getting set, she took one of her oversized butterfly shades and close her eyes with it then left the room to search for the other couple. She saw Zara kissing Mika'il and if she would remove the jealousy and look from anybody's point of view, he is quite enjoying himself. What does she expect from a man anyway? Men are always pigs no matter what and there is no way a woman won't get them where she wants with what Allah made them look like. They are irresistible to women's charm, that is just who they are and a woman as cunning as Zara? She has no say!
Even with them kissing like that, she can't hide that there is no passion in there, there is no love like the one they have but just two different genders trying to gouge out something new. She let them have their time and made her way to the kitchen even though her chest is burning beyond measure, she can't even describe how she is feeling but Zara is her husband's wife, she don't have the right to stop them when they are bonding. But can she just overlook that when they are together? Clearly, since this is their honeymoon!
She couldn't take it after twenty seconds of silent thoughts, she threw a plate on the floor and hastily made her way to pick it up just when Mika'il appeared on the door staring at her wide eyed. For some odd reasons, he looks guilty as if he did something wrong but she is pretending not to know what was going on so she continued to pick it with a wide carefree smile. She knows how to plaster those fake smiles so she won't worry about him finding out what she feels. Fake smiles are what she grew up with, so easy and believable.
But who is she kidding? Mika'il knows her like the back of his hand, he knew she saw them and that was her reaction. He made his way to the floor where she is and helped her pick up the pieces of the broken plate without a word, Zara is standing by the doorway looking annoyed by the interruption that befell just when things are about to heighten. She drew him back but he wouldn't stay with her and hastily came to his wife's rescue like always, she must change that through thick or thin, she will!
"I know why you did that. I'm sorry, she felt like we were drifting apart. Just those emotional blackmails." He explained lowly as they finish packing up the broken plates, Zara has disappeared seeing how they are romantically picking the plates. Yes, they even pick broken pieces of plate romantically!
"I didn't do anything, Maan. And she is your wife, I can't stop you from being with her, don't explain yourself." She forced a smile as she glance up at him, she is right, she doesn't owe him any explanation. This is his other wife they are talking about.
"I still feel guilty for everything I've done, I can't help feeling it. Wallah I feel so asphyxiated with everything going on, it's like I'm slowly drowning. It is too much for me, really." He looks so lost, absolutely out of it with that disheveled look he is featuring, his eyes are looking around searchingly.
"You can do nothing about it now, Maan. All you need yo do is pray to Allah, He will always listen to you. Allah will make a way even if there seems to be no way." She smiled gently at him as she placed her hand on his shoulder lovingly. She admire his strength and loyalty for both the wives.
Another reason he likes Bushra, the woman knows exactly what to say whenever he is feeling down and at that moment, there is nothing he wishes to hear apart from what she's just said. She is also Islamic unlike Zara who said she was Islamically homeschooled and the man left after a year so he don't expect her to know a lot about her religion in a year. Maybe she will catch just how to pray and those other necessities that they feel obligated to do but other than that, he hardly ever hears her talking about religion. He might need to change that!
RomanceCopyright© 2020. All rights reserved. The morning rays rose above the horizon. Sunlight streamed her bedroom through the gaps of the curtain lightening up the room with warm glow. She rolled over and gazed out the window overlooking the shines over...