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"She invited me to the wedding." Amani said to her in-laws and cousin, her brows scrunched.

She feels like this her new cowife has another motive behind inviting her. Why will she just invite her to her wedding knowing she is her fiancée's first wife. Does things like this even happen? She don't understand why she was invited and badly want some answers which she won't get since she is not her friend.

"We are going." Fayha's voice came with determination which caught Amani's attention and she gave her a questioning eyes.

"You should go since she invited you herself. Whatever it is that will happen, we will be there." Kauthar reassured, shaking her head in this is the best idea.

"Don't you think she has any motive?" Afrah chirped though those things aren't her thing.

"That is exactly what I am thinking too." Amani agreed with Afrah then meandered her gaze to the other occupants of the room.

"I will be your escort, Bush. You don't have to worry about a thing, I know my ways of manipulation." Amir wiggled his brows erupting a guffaw from Amani's lips. He likes acting like a possessive older brother when she is a year older than he is.

"I know you will. I just don't like humiliation and all those rich pampered girls. You guys know how much I don't get along with rich kids that don't know anything except flashing their latest apple or some stupid brand of shoes and bags. I've had enough of rich people's stupidness so if any of that happens, I will definitely lose my cool. If you are sure none of that will happen, then I will go." She ranted, the occupants of the room looking at her with mouths wide open.

She is never one to talk like that to them, well, she does to her husband but not them. So seeing her with eyes closed as though she is reading what she crammed for a long time is surprising yet refreshing. They want to see how far the tigress will reach so they are definitely going to push her buttons further. Even they are rich but understand what she means by pampered ones from experience.

"It won't happen." Fayha assured and they moved to the kitchen to eat more food.

"Now let's started thinking about the clothes you should wear." It was nearing maghrib and the girls are not even ready to leave.

Well, she don't care since her husband won't be back till next morning so she better have them stay a little longer so she won't be too bored when her baby sleeps. Now that she is used to having her husband, she feels like she should just follow him or something. How the hell did she live months without his arms around her? Guess she was too wrapped up around her daughter to feel the void her husband fills. Her daughter was too important that she forgot about the knot tied and the sole person that brought her baby to the world.

"Yes, go and bring you sketchpads so we can choose. Amir can be the judge." Fayha gushed in excitement.

To her, this wedding is another chance for her to see whether she will hit the jackpot and get the man she has crushed on for a long time. She's crushed on him since she can't remember and she knew she's fallen deep in love though she doesn't want to acknowledge that thought. She rather leave it and describe it as crush so it won't hurt her when she gets rejected by him.

Her mother has already started hinting about marriage to her with the words African mothers like hinting with 'Now that you have your dream job, remain a dream man huh?' but she brushed it off and laughed at something on the television. Lately, her mother is acting all weird about the marriage, like she can't wait for her to get married. She even mocked her about Amani 'Your cousin is happily married with a daughter but you don't even have a mashinshini, boyfriend' and she gave her mother a boring look when she said that but didn't reply.

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