52; BOOM.

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You guys are not commenting so I'll jejely stop updating here😭 No motivation bruh.


"Calm down and sit down." Bushra wanted to laugh at Kauthar's worked up state but she knew the woman will flung her to the wall if she dare do that. She's never seen her like that so it is very refreshing to feast on the always calm businesswoman all because of her brother.

"There is no calming down here honestly. Your brother will pay for ever crossing me like that. Doesn't he know who I am? The reputation of not taking nonsense like this?" She fumed after sitting down on the bed beside Bushra. Her eyes glazed at the door as if waiting for him to pop inside so she can devour him whole.

"I'm going to ask you some questions and you will answer them honestly, hmm?" She crossed her arms over her chest waiting for Kauthar's response and she gave her a nod after narrowing her eyes.

"Ask away and no stupid questions, I know you." She warned, taking much more calmer breathe in and out to secure her sanity.

"Do you like my brother?" Bushra held onto her breathe waiting to hear the rejection coming from her ex sister in-law. No woman will like her brother after what he has done. Can't he learn a thing or two from his twin brother Mujaddad? The guy is coaxing Fayha into his wing and she is already falling for him as much as Bushra could see.

"No!" The answer was instant, Bushra almost laughed at Kauthar's disturbed face. Ah, the woman is perturbed with means she is not sure about it so Bushra continued.

"I mean, before any of these happened yesterday and today. Have you ever liked him or think he is fine or had a crush on him something like that?" Bushra grinned while inclining her head as Kauthar's was giving her 'are you kidding me right now' look which she shrugged off and gesture that she should answer her.

"Well, maybe once or twice but that doesn't matter since I absolutely despise the mere sound of his name. You also look like him so I'm close to hating you." She pouted, biting her bottom lip when Bushra laughed out loud, jovially. She knew the girl is looking for a weakness she could use against her for she knew her so much.

"You cannot hate me, woman. I'm just one of the most lovable people to grace the earth, I can't be hate-able, despise-able or whatever. Anyways, let's continue with the questions. Do you think your marriage will work out keeping your so called hatred aside?" The question should be the root to everything but not to Kauthar who was quick to frown.

"I don't want it to work out. I promised to fall in love after Fahad's demise because not all men are like Fahad out there. I was willing to give us a chance knowing Fahad has been my friend for a long time and don't have any bad quality but I won't marry if not for love now. Your brother is hellbent on ruining that for me and if he does, I shall ruin his happiness. I want to experience love like you did." She crossed her arms like a sulking child because that is the truth behind her not wanting to marry soon. She is waiting for her Mr. Right but Mr. Major wants to shatter that dream of hers.

"Then it will work out. My brother just need that romantic bone in him, don't worry about it. Just pray to Allah for what is best and He shall show you the way. For now, leave everything in my hands, hmm?" She grinned like a mother advising her child eliciting narrowed eyes from Kauthar. She likes acting like the older one when Kauthar is older than her.

"Hmmp!" She pushed her head to the side before standing up totally forgetting she should be in a meeting in about one hour and she is not dressed for work. If anything, she never goes to work not looking professional and getting asked by a Major won't change that. The darn arrogant man with unromantic bone!

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