Hanan walked sluggishly out of her room to go get something to eat and had she been the Hanan she was months ago, she would've demanded one of the maids to bring it for her but she's changed for the better. She don't care whether people think she is weak or not and besides, the sister who taunts her about being a cry baby is dead, she won't have to worry about any bully. Sometimes, she can't help but feel bad being happy her eldest sister is dead because she feels like she became a bad person because of her bully. And after her death, she met Murad who showed her new way of life, a new view, a happy bright side of it shining with colours.
She feels bad wishing something as ill as this to someone who is dead but it's a feeling she can't shake off. Her sister has the largest share of becoming who she was more than the murder she has committed for self defense, that is part of it that helped her. The past where she thought made her stand stronger than any other, it was a lie.
The whole villa noticed the change in her and they are extremely glad about it. She hardly leaves her home now, she spends time in her room reading, attending classes, talking to her elder sister Jiddah and so on. The house helpers keep on staring at her like an alien so she snapped at the one day after getting agitated, she was tired of being labelled as the black sheep of the presidents children, she is nice as she was years ago. People tend to mistaken bravery and façade as rude and bad girl.
"Stop staring at me like that or you all shall lose your jobs. Just because I am suddenly nice doesn't mean I'll let you guys do what you want to! Don't double cross me and go back to your work immediately." She sighed after that because they scattered away like bunch of ants making her feel bad as they were older people amongst them. Even when she was bad, she always respected those old people, they are frail and have places in her heart.
She is still wearing her pajamas as she made it to the enormous kitchen she started visiting just months ago. She hardly goes anywhere in that villa but her home, the garden, pool, lake and some other beautiful places she can spend her time and not bother her mind. The maids always bring the food or what she wants anywhere she wants, just a buzz and they will be there. But these days, she goes there all the time to serve her own food to her liking and even got to see how people cook food for the first time.
She noticed and realised just how pampered and bratty she grew up. Even before her father got the position as president, he wasn't poor, he was wealthy right from the beginning and she was borne in wealth. He has been in politics for as long as she could remember so getting the position of a president wasn't hard for him, people love him. He still has his bad side that comes with being a politician but she really adores her father. He loves them, gives them time just to bond up even with his hectic schedule.
She served herself cabonara and chicken then sat on one of the kitchen chairs, keeping her lemon juice beside her. She don't go to gym now since she don't get to see Murad everyday, he is currently out of the country and she feels like gaining some weight again. The new change in her is really something no one could wrap their heads around, she has changed a lot. Even her physical appearance has changed so much. She is glowing, she has gained some weight that makes her body chubby and well molded. She likes herself better, she has all the female curves which surprised her.
In a matter of just three months, she is way too different from the person she was months ago. Her sister won't stop teasing her about what caused the change and she will brush her off, she is dead sure there is a man in her life though she's never seen her sister sneaking out to see a man, she was just sure there is by instincts. Hanan never agreed to her since she is sure what she have with Murad is nothing but friendship like he's said. Nothing more is between them, she could feel it in her bones.

RomanceCopyright© 2020. All rights reserved. The morning rays rose above the horizon. Sunlight streamed her bedroom through the gaps of the curtain lightening up the room with warm glow. She rolled over and gazed out the window overlooking the shines over...