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"Fuzail, I love you!" She gave him a smacking kiss taking him by surprise but he was quick to recover and pull her closer to him. She grinned into the kiss, she has wanted to do that ever since finding out her mother in-law is no more, she loved that.

She's known about Fuzail's love for a long time and she always use it against him to get what she wants. This is one of reasons why she decided to turn to him and not anyone else, she knew he won't question her no matter what. She's made him do a lot of things in the past, this time is no different. When he asked whether she is leaving for good, he meant whether she is going to leave Mika'il and come to him but she lied to him.

How can she leave Mika'il after all the battles she's fought and the sins she has committed to get him? Is that going to go down the drain like it never happened? Hell no!

Fuzail is one emotional fool, one look from her will get him all flustered and it makes her question whether he really has killed her mother in-law or asked someone to do it. He looks too innocent to be able to kill someone, he would've definitely been caught by the time he was done. There is a huge question mark in the whole death of her mother in-law, it might not even be murder but who is she to go tell anyone about it? Even if it is not murder, she will take the secret to her grave in million years to come, she is not that stupid to let the chance slip.

She has two reasons to not tell anyone that her mother in-law died a natural death, if she really died naturally. If she dare to talk out, Bushra Amani will be released and Mika'il will be head over heels in love with her again and try seeking her forgiveness on his knees. Granted, he has divorced her but a love like that will always find a way to get back together, she could feel it in her bones. So no, she is never going to tell the police or anyone that it was usual, ordinary healthy death, it won't come out from her mouth, never. Not after getting once in a lifetime opportunity to be with her husband all alone, fate is on her side for the first time.

Bushra might be proven innocent with time in the court but before everything could be cleared, Zara knew she is going to plan something much more trickier than this, something that will make sure Mika'il and Bushra won't ever get back together. She has orchestrated the plan in a matter of few minutes while standing atop her mother in-laws corpse. You'd think she will feel guilty about the woman's death, she was busy knotting out more plans to separate two lovers. That has been her plan right before she entered the household, it won't get ruined for nothing.

She also loved Mika'il, maybe even more than Bushra. The only difference between them is, Mika'il loves Bushra more than she does him while he doesn't love her, but she will change that too.

Another reason she can't talk about the nature of her mother in-laws death, people will question how she found out it was natural and everyone will know about her and Fuzail. She is sure that even her father will be disappointed in her, he is tricky too but this one, he won't let it slide. She feels evil but then again, all is fair in love and war. This is a war for love between three of them, the one who wins will take the trophy and from the pace everything is going, she has the upper hand, she has Mika'il by her side.

"You don't love me." Zara stared at the emotional fool staring at her with lovey dovey eyes, she really feels sorry for him sometimes. She has never given him any false hopes but the guy don't understand simple no, she will continue using him till the case is closed.

If she acts like she loves him, he might even take the blame when the time comes and that is what she needs at the moment, someone to back her up when the case is deploring. She needs to keep him close to her so she can keep closer eyes on his moves, she can't make mistake when everything is reaching the very last stage. Once her last plan gets through, she won't have to watch out for anyone but herself and Mika'il, everyone will be useless from then. She could only hope that it goes way better than this one, it should make route for a brighter future, for scented candles.

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