Chapter seven

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The continuation of the train ride was rather dull in Haven's opinion, though she thought it was quite fun when she beat Ron at wizarding chess and he stared at the game they played for a solid ten minutes. The three of them didn't talk much. Both Harry and Haven were immersed in a book and Ron was reviewing more chess strategies, claiming that the next time he played Haven, he'd win.

Hermione joined them about halfway, after her patrol through the hallways were over. She explained to them that Ernie Macmillen and she were going to be the Head Boy and Girl of the eighth years instead of an entire house and assured Ron that Ernie wasn't any more fun to hang around with than him. Hermione hadn't seen much of their fellow students that returned but did notice how Malfoy and a couple of his usual goons were rather withdrawn this train ride instead of bullying poor first-year students. 

About an hour before they were planned to arrive at Hogsmeade station, it started to rain and since then it didn't stop. Once again, Harry noticed how Haven stared longingly out the window as if she wouldn't want anything more than to get on the roof of the train and let the rain pour down upon her. He still wished he knew how she dealt with everything and if he could be like that too. From what he could see she was at a much better point of healing than he was. But then again, he didn't know her all that well and appearances can be deceiving. 

Once the Hogwarts Express started to slow down, they finally put on their Hogwarts robes and ties and got their trunks from the rack, ready to leave. When the train got to a halt, the corridor started to flood with students but the three in Haven's compartment waited for everyone to leave, disliking the attention they got. Haven decided to stick around for a while too, also not enjoying the big crowd. 

The noise in the corridors slowly started to fade which was their cue to leave the compartment. They quickly found a still empty carriage and joined Neville Longbottom in it. Haven felt a bit awkward to be surrounded by the Gryffindors but she knew she had nothing to worry about. All four Gryffindors were nice people and none of them had ever done anything to break her trust. 

Haven watched the castle come near as the carriage pulled by the Thestrals hobbled over the sandy road. There was something different about the castle. It was as if it looked bigger than usual. Not a weird thought, considering they had to rebuild big parts of the castle. Hogwarts castle was completely wrecked after the battle. It made Haven wonder who took the time to fix up Hogwarts. Maybe the Professors and other members of the staff did. 

"What did you do with the sword?" Ron asked Neville curiously. 

"Gran wanted to take it," Neville said as he petted a new plant of his. "She almost got it out the Great Hall but then it just disappeared,"

"Must've gone back to the Sorting Hat then, I suppose," Hermione said with a nod as if she expected it. 

The carriage stopped in front of the marble steps to the big front doors. They were wide open and by the side were two people awaiting their arrival; Professor McGonagall and Kingsley Shacklebolt. The five students quickly got out of the carriage and made their way to the entrance. When they were stopped by McGonagall and Kingsley, Haven tried to hurry past them, assuming she had nothing to do with whatever they were to say to the other four but McGonagall's voice called her back. 

"Miss Goldspear, this concerns you too," Professor McGonagall said so Haven took a few steps back, facing her and the Minister for Magic. "Minister Shacklebolt has something to say to you," She nodded at him to start. 

"Right," He said. "The Ministry has decided to award every fighter against Voldemort's reign during the Battle of Hogwarts an Order of Merlin, First Class,"

"You're joking," Ron sighed out with his mouth wide open from shock. 

"An - an Order of Merlin? First Class?" Neville stammered. "A real one?"

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