6. Agenda.

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"Louis I'm taking you with me to do the daily tasks." Liam smiled, awakening me from my slumber.

"What?" I groaned, angry of my rude awakening. Liam and I decided to share a flat together. It would be the best if he needed to protect me. Our house is the last one on the North Cloud, making it really difficult for demons to enter, but not impossible.

"We are going to Earth." My eyes shot open to the sound of my old home. He chuckled at my reaction before saying, "get up and dressed."

My slim body slide out of the comfort of my bed. My white feathered wings stretched out from their sleepiness. The feathers tickled my naked chest, causing me to itch and scratch at them. A walked to Liam's bedroom and stole a white shirt from his dresser because I didn't have one yet. I pulled on some jeans that were to long for me, so I rolled up the bottoms. My skin appreciated the warmth of the clothing. I made my way out of Liam's room and into the kitchen where I saw Liam packing a bag.

I made my way over to him, grabbing the bag off the counter. "What's this?" I asked, opening the camouflaged green bag.

"It's a bag full of necessities," he explained, "junk like water and food. Just incase." I nodded.


"Ready, Go!" Liam and I jumped off the North Cloud, gliding into the blue sky. Our wings flew behind us, flapping out and holding us in the air. "Louis! It's spread your arms, it helps you control where your landing!" Liam shouted at me. I spread my arms like he said and it allowed me to control. My wings flapped like a birds. Soon I could see a good land space. I threw my legs in front of me and landed safely in a area where there was no humans to be found. Liam followed protectively behind me.

"Good landing, Lou." Liam smiled. In his hand he held a white notebook with a golden halo on the cover.

"Thanks, what's in your hand?" I asked him, pulling at the notebook.

"It's my agenda, it's filled of things I have to do today. Luckily today I only have 2 people to save." He smiled proudly. "Careful Lou, follow me only. Demons are allowed on Earth too. Now cmon, a bus is about to crash."

I followed Liam down the crowded streets of New York. Liam explained to me before that angels are able to see other angels wings and demons wings on Earth but humans cannot. All around the streets I saw angels and demons. White wings and black wings. Everywhere.

Liam dragged me into a yellow bus with an elderly driver. We sat in the first seat behind the driver.

"At 1:53 the driver will make a right turn straight into a car," Liam told me as a demon walked on to the bus. "It's his job to crash the bus." Liam explained, "it's ours to save it."

As the bus started and got on the road, Liam got prepared for making his excuse to stop the bus. The bus stopped at the stop light.

The brown eyed boy got up and screamed "Help!! This boy can't breath!" I looked up and noticed Liam was pointing at me. I tried to make my best choking impression. Everyone on the bus, including the driver, stopped to attempt to help me. When the clock hit 1:54 I pretended to regain my breath, which relieved everyone around me. The bus ride continued on, with no crashes. At the next stop Liam and I escaped off.

"What are we doing now?" I asked him as we made our way through the busy streets.

"We need to get to the cafe quickly, someone will choke there. We are late." Liam sighed, speed walking through the side walk.

While we walked through the sidewalk and past many alleyways, a hand grabbed my wrist. They pulled me into an alleyway and covered my mouth.

"Shh- be quiet angel... Shhh..." The mysterious voice hushed me as I screamed in fear. "Don't worry, Angel. Your in good hands." The green eyed boy grinned.

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