12. Babysitters.

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"Let's get going Lou." Liam sighed, un politely shoving the last piece of toast and jam into his wide opened mouth.

For the past few weeks, all we have lived on is toast and jam; which, in fact, is getting sickening and unappetizing to the stomach. Liam thought that today would be a fine day to take a stop at the market and buy us some actual food. Of course, Liam being Liam, got his schedule and discovered he had no time for breaks to do that, so we must live off toast and jam for one more day.

Also; Liam being Liam, decided it was best for me not to stay home alone; neither was it to take a trip down to Earth with him. He was still trying to look for a place for me to stay in the meantime. Finally, he rang up a local friend and made plans for them to 'babysit' me.

I was told that the angel looking after me was called 'Paul'. Liam also told me that he was able to fight off any target; he was a total wrestler in the past life. So, Liam knows I will be in good hands. I felt very uncomfortable when Liam started gossiping about me on the phone with Paul, saying that I was like a baby that needed care; but I tossed it over my shoulder making it the least of my worries. After all, I guess I can be a baby at times. I can barley fight off a demonic demon.

I haven't heard from the so-called 'Harry' since the large alarming argument with Liam. I'll admit; I do miss him. I miss his glossy curls that should look sharp but look gorgeous instead. I miss his green eyes that shine like a 4 leaf clover on a day of luck. I miss the way his kiss felt-

"Louis?" The large hand interrupted; waving viciously in front of my pale face. I hissed a 'yes' in return. "You spaced out there a bit." I sighed, wishing I could return back to my daydream about the boy's luscious lips. "Louis, are you alright?" The brown eyed angel sighed, plopping his small arse into the stool next to mine.

"Yeah yeah, just thinking a bit." I hummed out, trying to block out the distinction of Liam from my daydream of the demons button nose.

"Well, c'mon. It's time to get you to Paul's now." He sighed, lifting up his body weight from the chair and flapping a satchel over his broad shoulder. After a few long seconds of finishing up my thoughts, I joined Liam in heading out the door. To Paul's we go.


The door erupted in an alarming slam, telling me that Liam had just started his 6 hours down to Earth.

He dropped me into the hands of Paul, a brown eyed, buzzcut, buff man who looks tuff and ready to fight anyone who lays a hand on me. Perfect.

Paul begins to introduce himself, but gets interrupted by the piercing sound of a baby screaming. He immediately excuses himself to run up the long curled stairway and visit the adorable faced, yet ear burning child.

In that time alone, I decided I would take the time to look around. All floors were paved with a fine white marble, which is utterly gorgeous but really dangerous if someone were to trip and fall. Also, If you spilled something, like pasta sauce, it would leave a deeply blood colored stain. If the cops found that pasta sauce on your floor then you could possibly get arrested for murder when you were just trying to cook a nice meal for your family.

I let out a chuckle at my awful thoughts, being alarmed by a muscular angel coming down the stairway.

Once the man got towards me, he let out a large breath of air, sounding like a sigh, but I think he was truly out of energy from his child. "Tour around the house, yeah?" The man greeted me. He formed a smile with his lips even though I knew that all he wanted to do was take a nap on the couch.

I felt bad for Paul. He has his own child of his own, yet Liam is so cautious of me that he has to hire a babysitter? This man needs the time in his day to get some sleep and feed his child, I don't need him to worry about me.

Maybe if Liam just allowed me to go with Harry then he wouldn't have to go through all this trouble with me. After all, Liam does seem quite sick of me. Also in that matter, I would be able to see Harry; with his beautiful darling green eyes-

"Louis- wake up." The strong hand of Paul waved in front of my face again, frowning. "You know I can read your thoughts, right?" I let out a huge gasp, a red blush spreading across my tanned face in embarrassment.

"No- what-t" I stuttered out, slapping a hand up to my face. No wonder why Liam wants to spend me to Paul; he must think I have a messed up mind.

Paul let out a huge laugh, frightening me, "I'm just joking with you! Calm down a bit. You seemed really into your thoughts though, is there something you'd like to talk about?" He took a seat on the couch, signaling me that I should sit down too.

I thought for a moment. If I were to tell Paul about Harry he would think I'm insane, just like Liam does. I have just met the man, he hasn't even protected me yet, therefore I cannot tell this stranger the beautiful story that Harry and I share. I can't let this stranger think I'm insane too.

I shook my head 'no' earning a frown from the older man. I cleared my throat before saying, "Paul, you look like you need some rest. You have been slaving over this baby and the last I need is for you to take care of me. I could take care of your child while you take a nice nap on the couch." I smiled at the idea, earning a wide eyed Paul.

I used to babysit back on Earth, my friends thought it was lame and awful because their parents forced them to. I, however, being completely different and strange from everyone else, volunteered to babysit with small help from my parents to drive me places. It was a nice job, I got paid for spending time with children!

"Louis? Would you really?" He gasped, desperate for a small nap. I hummed a 'yes' out and before I knew it, Paul was already passed out on the couch.


The day was filled with dirty diapers and wide ear screaming that made me extremely grateful to be greeted by Liam at the door.

I ran quickly into the protection of his arms, snuggling into his shoulder as best as I could.

"Louis? Is everything alright?" Liam frowned, not pulling me away from him.

"Everything is great, just a long, long day filled with smelly babies." I let go of his grasp, able to see his chocolate brown eyes again.

Liam frowned,"Where's Paul?" I laughed, remembering the he was still in dreamland on the couch.

"He took a small 6 hour nap while I babysat his child." Liam gasped in fear, making me think I said something bad. I retrace my words, trying to figure out what I said but nothing seemed bad about it.

"Are you saying that Paul did not protect you, mate?" Liam said in a hush tone, we were still inside Paul's home so there was a possibility of him awakening.

I shook my head then began, "No- I offered for him to nap while I took care of his child."

"Louisssss..." Liam groaned, "What if the demon came, what would you have done?"

'I would have kissed him' my thoughts interrupted, I tried to shake them away.

"I would have woken up Paul or attacked him myself." I spoke, sighing at the wrong answer.

'Oh c'mon angel, that's not what you meant to say' my thoughts rumbled, leaving an awful feeling in my stomach.

"Besides," I continued, "the demon didn't even come." I smiled, but truly I knew I wanted to frown.

"Louissss..." Liam whined again, "If Paul isn't going to protect you, there is absolutely no reason for you to come here."

"What?!" I gasped, "No- Liam please, I really like it here!" I yelled out, then remembered that Paul was asleep in the other room.

"You aren't safe here!" He yelled back, not even bothering with the sleeping Paul. The boy let out a sigh before beginning, "We will talk about this at home."

And with that Liam and I left the mansion- like home.

I was happy Paul got his rest, but on the inside, I knew, I wish Harry had took that time to come and visit me.

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