17. Captured.

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"Be safe." Liam smiled, finally shutting the door to leave Paul and I alone.

Liam had finally agreed on allowing me to stay at Paul's house again. Although he fell asleep last time, I was safe.

Paul and I had a secret agreement that I would watch his child while he would get his much needed rests.

I looked over at Paul, earning a concluding smile before he headed over to the couch to have his 'nap-time'. I sighed, headed up the long stairways, following the sound of soft snores.

When I reached the doorway, I saw a sleeping angel. Her golden hair was messy along her white cradle. Her nightgown was loose and brought out the color of her wings. Even with closed eyes, she looked innocent.

I smiled at her, knowing she couldn't see me, then sat down on a reading chair close to her bed. My hand grasped a white bar on her cradle and began to rock it slowly and cautiously.

Gusts of wind flew through the open window. I questioned the wind, unsure of where it had been coming from but I assumed it was just wings flying by that caused it.

I ignored the breeze and focused on the little girl, rocking her back and forth.

Suddenly, bashing through the window stood a blonde haired boy with wings as dark as ash. I backed away quickly, grabbing the little girl from the crib. I had noticed something though. This demon had blue eyes and not red. He was a fallen angel. I chocked of my breath as he smirked at me.

He hummed, "So your the so called 'Louis' Harold has been talking about nonstop." I cringed as he pronounced my name as 'Lewis'.

"it's Lou-ee." I watched as the baby girl still lay asleep in my arms, not showing a sign of fear besides my shaky arms that's hold her.

The fallen angel smirked, "okay, mate, I'm gonna be serious with you here." His accent was thick. I nodded slowly. "This boy, this fallen angel, Hazza," I grinned at the nickname, "has fallen for you. Fallen hard, actually. He sent me here to 'kidnap' you" the boy used quotations in the air, "but I'm not that type of person. I'm gonna allow you the choice to go or not."

I took a minute to process all that's been said. I looked down at the little angel and her golden hair. My eyes slowly grinned as I pictured the last time I saw Harry and how he kissed me.

I looked up at the blonde boy, "What's your name?"

"Niall James Horan. And I know that your Louis William Tomlinson."

I frowned, "How do you know that?"

"Harry." He stated simply.

"What connection do you have with Harry?"

"I was his fallen angel. I failed to save him."

"-From the lighting, correct?"

The boy nodded, "So are you coming with me?"

I thought for a moment, before looking up and giving the boy smile. "Yes, Niall. I'm going."

"Oh thank god, I didn't want to drag you there." He said, relieved. "Trust me, I hate doing those things."

"Do you miss... You know.." I asked him quietly.

"Being an angel, I surely do. But now I live and try to be the nicest demon I can be." He smiled a sad smile before waving his hand in a gesture to say 'follow me'. I placed the baby down in her cradle before doing as told.

Niall jumped out Paul's seating window and let his demon wings spread. TE captured his light weight and began to flap back and forth. I looked at the boy from the window. "You know how to fly, correct?"

"What if I fall?" I asked, afraid of my wings failing me.

The fallen angel laughed, "oh but what if you fly?"

I smiled at his words, spreading me wings and jumping from the building. My wings surely did not fail me, but capture me in their embrace.

Niall flew much faster than me, continuing little conversations about our selfs along the way. I'm surprised Niall didn't get caught for being a demon in Heaven but there were barley any one here, everyone was on Earth.

Suddenly, I saw Niall fly straight instead of taking a right to Harry's house.

I paused for a moment, "Harry's house is this way, Niall."

"We aren't going there, bud. Harry wanted to make this special." He smiles a giant, proud grin.

Once we arrived, I noticed we stood at a tall, dark cave. Inside was a lit fire. Next to the fire sat a boy with curly locks that I know as Harry. I couldn't help but smile as his dimples flashed me.

I felt safe with him, knowing this would end well.

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