10. Scare.

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I awoke in absolute darkness, the only comfort was the bed beneath me. I pulled the black colored duvet closer to my chilling body as my eyes adjusted to the darkness. The room was mysterious, much too dangerous for an angels. No lights were close-by and no windows were to be seen. A long bookcase stood in the corner, along with a reading chair. I don't understand what they would use it for, it was far too dark to read in here anyways. The walls were ash black and the floors a dark burgundy, causing it to be harder to see. The reading chair was a lighter burgundy, making me able to see the outline of it. The bed I slept in was a king sized, also quiet comfortable. Spread across me was a pitch black comforter.

I snuggled deeper into the warmth of the blanket, admiring it's beating heat. I noticed something I hadn't before, along the tall doorway stood a vibrant man. His grey mesmerizing wings spread across the dark colored wall. Other then his wings, you could mistake him for an angel. His fair skin was tight around his thin bones. You could see his gorgeous green eyes from a mile away. He wore a white tank top with a dark jean jacket around him, detailing it with a cross necklace.

The boy smirked at me, that's when I finally noticed who he was. This was my angel. I sat up from the bed, resting my fragile head on the dark wooden headboard. "Your that guy who attacked me in the alley!" I bit my lip, fisting the comforter in anger. The man just let out a dangerous chuckle, doubting my danger. "Stop laughing at me." I commanded, crossing my arms. He obeyed but started coming towards the bed. My natural instincts told me to run out the bed, so I did so. I bolted towards the book case and the reading chair.

"C'mon I'm not going to hurt you!" The demon chuckled like a child. In fear, I back towards the wall even though there was a bed separating us from each other. "Really, Louis? C'mon! You think I'd hurt you?" He smiled, looking more angelic as ever.

I huffed, "Sure, says the person who practically kidnapped me." I crossed my arms again, glaring evilly at the man. My heart race sped up, regretting saying those words. Instead of the demon punishing me, he just laughed. He threw his face back, his curls fluttering with him, and laughed. Just then he began to walk towards me, I stepped back as best as I could but space was becoming limited.

"Louis" The green eyed boy frowned, "Please, I said I'm not going to hurt you. Stop looking so afraid of me." He sighed, sitting down on the reading chair. I frowned at the boy, knowing he was hurt by me.

"You aren't going to hurt me?" I asked, he responded in a simple nod. "Then what do you want from me?"

He thought for a moment before responding, "Angel, I don't want to scare you." He started, I nodded in agreement. "I'm trapped down here. I don't want to be a demon. I really don't. These dark wings don't define the goodness I have inside, please don't let them deceive you. I'm not trying to trick you Louis, not at all. I was your angel and always will be. I may have some demon behavior but deep inside I know my good is waiting to escape. Louis, I was your angel. I didn't mean to hurt you, I never wanted to. I love you Louis, you bring out the good in me. Please-" I begged.

"I don't understand what your asking of me." I frowned, suddenly hearing footsteps towards the doorway. I turned my head towards the door, signaling the demon that someone was coming. The door smashed open to reveal Liam in a dark safety jacket, I could see the relief in his face when he finally found me. The demon grabbed a hold of me, flying through the ceiling into the dark sky. Liam followed shortly behind, trying to catch up with him.

"Sorry Angel." He frowned, kissing me cheek. The kiss made me feel safe and sent flutters all over my body. "Before I let you go, know that I will come see you again. yeah? My name is Harry." With that the demon, who I now know as Harry, dropped me from his gasp. I was thankfully caught into Liam's hands.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry Louis." Liam cried, holding me into his strong arms. I suddenly missed the gasp of the demon's arms and how his kiss felt on my cheek.

I hope what he said was true. I hope and comes to see me again.

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