14. Watchers.

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Unexpectedly, a large brown haired boy came diving into my white comforter. I let out a huff of air as his white wing accidentally smacked my stomach too hard. He slid next to me, shouting some nonsense words. I gave the brown eyed boy a look of confusion as he shouted the words again.

"Today is The Watchers Day!" Liam jumped up and down, cautious not to end up flying into the ceiling. I, yet again, gave him a look of confusion. The only Watchers I know is Weight Watchers and I'm sure that is not what he is trying to explaining. Liam gave me a 'duh' look, before starting his unprepared presentation. "Today is The Watchers Day, 'the watchers' is just another word for fallen angels. It's a day where Angels and Demons come together in one arena while watching our master Angels and Demons battle using their supernatural powers! Sense today is March 20th, that means it's going on right now! C'mon Louis! Get up!" He jumped up and down like a child on Christmas.

Wait- Watchers day includes both; Angels and Demons? Wouldn't that mean that Harry will be there? A grin spread across my sleepy face, Liam gave me an odd look before understanding.

The boy cleared his throat, rising up from laying down to sit in his bum. "Please know that I still have to continue my duty to protect you, right?" He gave me a fresh grin, crinkles forming at his eyes.

A muffled sigh released from my lips as I plopped my thin body up from the bed. Liam was already pulling at my sweater sleeve, begging me to get up. I groaned in frustration of having to get up.

A muscular arm slid around my body, pulling me up and carrying me bridal style. I squirmed around in his bolder-like arms, trying to unravel my wings so I could fly out of his grip. Liam, being giddy Liam, decided to tickle my tummy trying to awake me from my morning daze. My voice released squeals and laughter, begging for his fingers to quit drawing quick patterns on my stomach.

Liam erupted in laughter, before he decided to put me down. As I got a hold of standing on my two stubby legs, I folded my arms like a child not getting something they asked for. Instead of Liam making a grumpy face back, he gave me a face in awe as if looking at a newborn kitten.

I let out a huff, blowing the short pieces of brown hair in front of my face away. I shoved Liam out of my room, attempting to use all the strength I could to pull him out but he wouldn't budge. Only Liam will be stronger then me, I thought to to myself, knowing that everything is stronger then me and that I was just lying. Instead, I politely asked him to get out, sparing the time. He left without a second warning; leaving me alone in my bright room.

In the empty room, I decided to get dressed. I walked over to the now filled dresser; thanks to Liam. I dug out a grey sweater before receiving a knock on my door.

"Li, I'm still getting dressed." I huffed, explaining that to him in case he decided to step into my room. I heard a hand release from the door knob, knowing I did the right thing by telling him.

"Angels must wear white today," he corrected me, as if knowing I had picked out the wrong color. I gave him a groan and I quick 'thank you' before grabbing a white sweater from my dresser. I guess this day really is important.

. . .

My sweater, matched my wings perfectly. We finally headed towards the arena. Liam explained the day to me while we were sitting at the breakfast table having yet again, another serving of toast and jam. I learned that this is the only day Demons are allowed to come back to Heaven and not get taken away.

As we walked Liam held a hand around my hip tightly, protecting me from any unexpected dangers. I was thankful, I was also afraid of what could be around every corner we turned.

All scurrying the street, there was demons and angels with names I've never spoke before. There were wings that glowed and shimmered and wings that didn't. There was black shirts and white shirts to match wings.

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