16. Last.

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It was a fresh day in Spring, just like any other morning. The air smelled of first cut grass. Birds sang never ending melodies with whistles and coos. The sun was awakening and welcoming on the horizon, shining it's way into the sky.

It may have been morning, but the town was still asleep. That was my favorite part. I'm the type of guy who wakes up early in the morning for absolutely no reason. There could be useful things I should be doing during 4am, such as sleeping, but I'd much rather hear the birds awaken the neighborhood. So, for the remaining 2 hours I have left before the town awakes, I enjoy the peace and quiet I have been blessed with.

I starred at the paved and cleared streets without a car passing through. I saw how the trees alined the sky to make an image that could be framed. I watch as crows soar through the open sky.

Suddenly, my silence time gets interrupted by a buzz of the phone on my nightstand. I released a sigh before stretching out and grabbing the phone with my small hands. A smile spread across my face as I read the text, "Wanna hang out before class? -Z.". I cringed at the thought of leaving my peaceful state but texted back an agreement.

I safely strapped my backpack to me, knowing that Zayn and I would end up hanging out for too long to come back for it. We normally go to places we can eat, like Starbucks, so I decided to bring some money too. I slipped a few dollars into the front pocket of my backpack before heading out my door. I was hit with the scent of pancakes, knowing that my mother was awake. Sighing, I knew I had to convince her on letting me out before school. Thinking along the way, I stepped down the staircase and into our open kitchen.

"What are you doing awake so early, Mama-dusia?" I questioned her, grabbing a clean pancake from the stack before shoving it wholly into my mouth.

She groaned, frustrated at the syrup that refused to drip from the bottle. "Ernest and Doris woke up screaming and I haven't been able to get them to bed ever since." She sighed, finally getting the syrup to drizzle onto the once-clean pancakes.

My mom, also known as Johannah, does most of the work around the house. I can't blame her for being a bit agitated most of the time. It must be difficult to take care of yourself along with 8 children and a husband. I honestly have no idea how she can balance that out, but she does. I hope I will learn that from her someday.

I walked into the living room to find a little Ernest and Doris watching Blues Clues. They had sippy cups full of chocolate milk that gripped tightly around their tiny hands. The babies chubby legs made me want to squeeze the cuteness out of them.

Walking up to them, they crawled away, giggling at my attempt to grab them. I grew a smirk, knowing that I had taught them well. Luckily they didn't have the ability to run yet, so I caught onto both of their legs. They screamed, little giggles coming out. I grabbed the 2 babies and pull them into my hips.

"So, your the criminals who awoke mom." I smirked, looking left and right at both babies. They giggled at each other, squirming; an attempt to release from my grip.

"Louis, could you set Doris and Ernest in their baby chairs for me?" My mother called from the kitchen.

"Yep." I responded back, holding both babies around my hips and continuing into the kitchen.

I slipped Doris into her red and purple feeding chair and held onto Ernest. "Ladies first, my man." I explained to him.

Besides me, Ernest was the only boy in the family. Our family consisted of 8 children, including me. Meaning, we have a total of 6 girls in our whole family. When Ernest was born it was just a huge sigh of relief, I finally had a little brother. My sisters consist of Lottie, Félicité, Doris, Georgia, and the twins, Daisy and Phoebe. As you can tell, my mom was really trying for another boy. Don't think I don't love them, because I do, it's just, being the oldest is tiring. Along with having several younger sisters. Their drama is tiring too.

I slipped Ernest into his red and black high chair just as my mom entered the room. She held 2 plates of already cut up pancakes and the bottles of chocolate milk the babies had left in the living room. "Mom I'm gonna go study with Zayn if that's alright?" I asked, taking the plates of pancakes out of her full hands.

My mom grunted, "Louis, we both know Zayn doesn't study." She chuckled at my excuse to hang out with Zayn. I laughed at her joke, "Just go, hun." She said, giving me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled in return. I set the plates of pancakes on Doris and Ernest's seats.

"Bye mom, love you." I smiled, waving a goodbye to the busy woman in the kitchen. She waved back with a syrup bottle in her hand.


"Still up for after school, yeah?" Zayn asked, smiling as we headed our way to the park, Starbucks fraps in our small hands.

"Yep." I stated simply.

Zayn isn't someone I've known since birth if that's what your thinking. He is quite- different- a needle in a haystack, maybe. Zayn is adventurous and up for anything. If anyone gives him a hard time he will return it back even harder. In fact, Zayn and I met 3 years ago in science class when we were 'forced' to sit together. One project we had to do was "how does music effect your heart rate" which lead to us talking about our favorite bands, which led to The Fray, which lead to me not sitting alone at lunch anymore. Mainly Zayn spends his time hanging out with me or his girlfriend, Perrie Edwards. It's funny actually, Perrie is a sweet girl and Zayn's the complete opposite.

We sat down on the peaking hill at the park to eat our baked goods. He knew this is my favorite place, I love the way the sun rises in the sky.

Zayn hummed before asking, "Hey Lou?" I hummed a reply before he started, "I actually have a few things to tell you.." He looked down at his shoes, looking dangerous in his leather jacket, yet fragile to the touch.


"Louis- have you have- ever been confused about who are- who- you- like-" he failed to stutter out. I patted his back, making him feel support. "Louis- I'm not sure if Perrie is for me-" he frowned.

I gasped, "Why is that Zaynie-poo?" I brushed his fringe peaking from his beanie.

"Louis- have you ever been unsure of who you truly are and what you like?"

I paused for a moment, "Zayn what are you trying to say?"

"I'm not sure I'm into Perrie. I'm not sure if I'm into her... Type..." Zayn stuttered out, fiddling with his dainty fingers in the mean time.

I frowned, "What type? Like a girl?" I laughed out, not earning a laugh from him, but a serious face. "Oh shoot, Zayn I didn't know-"

"No, babe, it's alright." He smiled, tears shinning from his brown eyes, "it's just really hard, you know." He looked up at me, "How did you do it?"

Zayn knows how hard that period in my life was. That period was, well, when I found who I truly was. It was 7th grade and I had finally discovered who I really am. I am a man. I like men. This caused several of my friends to disappear, several besides Zayn.

"It's a rough road from here Zaynie."
*end of flashback*


My cold body awoke from my bed, shivering as the memory dripped away from my mind. I think back to that day. Little did I know what fate had in store for me, most likely a car running me over. So that day I will always remember as,

my last day on Earth.

(Extremely long chapter omg yesss)

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