3. Wings.

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I awoke with a powerful headache, I groaned in pain as light welcomed my eyes.

"Louis, are you awake yet?" A voice asked me. My head turned towards re voice, hoping I was with Zayn. Instead I was met by the glowing of an angel.

I let out a sigh, "I'm really dead, aren't I?" I sat up from the bed I had been laying on. Just then I noticed something I hadn't before. Something was following me. I looked behind me but instead I was greeted by wings. They gleamed and glowed a bright white. With each breath I took the wings fluttered and flapped. "I-I- Are these-"

"Are you not impressed by them?" The boy frowned, making his way over to me. The brown eyed boy sat next to me, combing the feathers of my wings. "I think they look lovely. They will come in good use when I teach you to fly."

I shook my head, "Wait slow down!" I stood up, instantly missing the comfort of the bed. It was hard to lift myself up with the weight of the wings. "Flying? Wings?"

The boy chuckled, his wings fluttered as he did so. "Come here. Your going to fall over." He smiled, noticing I had trouble standing with the heavy wings. I quickly made my way to sit next to the boy. "Basically what happens is I will train you for 100 years to become one of us." He smiled.

"Your confusing me.." I groaned, "What are you? Angels?" I sighed, my wings mocked the sigh by fluttering behind my back. "And what are these? Why are they mocking me?" The brown eyed man chuckled. "Are who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Liam, I've been an angel for around 400 years now. I had to go through the same things you are, it's really difficult to get used to. I died in a fire, luckily I was the only one in my house when it happened. My job is to protect you until you become 100 years old, when that happens you will become a humans guardian angel." The boy, who I now know as Liam- smiled. My hand gripped to the bed.

"Protect me? Protect me from what?" Liam frowned at the question.

He let out a sigh before starting, "You sure do ask a lot of questions, Louis. Demons, Lou. I'm protecting you from Demons. They are black, dark angels. Stay away from them, they will trick and hurt you. Demons become them from being a fallen angel or having certain type of death, such as suicide. Your angel who was supposed to be watching over you, failed you. He is now a fallen angel in the darkness." Liam frowned. I could tell that talking about demons made him uncomfortable. "Enough about them," he sighed, "let's get started on your training. Angels need to fly, yeah?"

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