20. Yours.

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The same happenings, well, happened as the day before. Well, besides Liam completely freaking out waking up next to me because he was bloody drunk. Besides that, Liam dropping me off at Paul's, Niall coming and dropping me off at the cave happened again.

"Here he is." Niall told Harry as we reached the cave. Harry greeted me with a smile and stood up from the once again toasting fire.

Niall said his goodbyes which left Harry and I alone. The demon gave me a peck on the lips before quickly pulling away. He kept his strong, sturdy hands on my shoulders as he gave me a look I cannot identify. It was sadness, anger, confusion... Rage?

"Lou.." Harry scolded angrily. "You-"

"What?" I asked, concerned.

"You have been seeing someone else besides me" He yelled, shoving me away from his grasp. I backed away, disgusted and saddened, "Who is it Louis?! Who touched you?!"

I panicked, my eyes going wide, "Harry- Harry I'm not- nobody touched me!"

The demon I once knew looked completely different. His eyes showed a different color. Red. My mind screamed danger but my heart pleaded to stay.

Harry's teeth tightened, "You lier!" He shouted, as the cave mimicked him, "I smell him, Louis! You smell of cologne and alcohol! Who touched you?"

The man came closer to me, chest to chest. His angry eyes beat down on mine, due to the fact I'm much smaller.

"H," I started and let out a heated breath, "Liam got drunk last night and-"

"Liam Payne touched you?!" He growled, grabbing the neck of my tshirt and pulling at it with great strength. His eyes glowed a burning red, threatening me.

"I didn't finish. He got drunk and passed out in my bed. Harry that's all that happened. Don't hurt him." I growled back.

He released his hand from my T-shirt. The fallen angel grabbed my hips and pulled me closer, giving me a hard and heated kiss, "Mine." He whispered.

His lips stayed attached, going deeper into the kiss. He grabbed my bum and that's when I knew what was up. He wanted sex.

"Haz.." I mumbled into the kiss. "Haz.. Haz I don't want this.."

The demon pulled away, his eyes still a glowing blood color. "Why not Lou?"

"I'm an angel. You're a demon-"

"Louis? Are you seriously letting our wings define who we are inside? I've told you this several times. I'm far from a demon or fallen angel-"

To distract him from his blabbering and nagging, I pecked him a kiss and whispered, "Just not today, H."

That answer seemed to satisfy him.

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