18. Cave.

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The glowing of the fire made an outline on Harry, defining his cheek bones and eyelashes perfectly. I was now sat down next to the boy. We both were dazed with the way the flame danced. It mesmerized us and brought outrelaxation in us.

Suddenly, Harry drapes his arm around my shoulder to huddle me closer. My mind protested 'no' but my heart disagreed. I was hesitant, but soon gave into Harry's warmth.

The cave was dark and never ending. The glow of the fire gave somewhat of a first life to the dangerous cave. Although the cave was filled with such danger, Harry gave it this feeling of safety.

Harry hummed long melodies to distance the silence, "So Tomlinson.."

My eyes looked over to the fallen angel, "So.."



He coughed before continuing, "My last name is Styles." He laughed, "Soon to be yours as well."

I choked on air, letting out a heated breath, "Seriously?" I couldn't help but grin, "Can we not have a conversation without you flirting with me?"

"Aye, at least we are actually having a conversation. I've gone from staring across a room at you to having an actual conversation."

I laughed, "Oi, you've been farther then that, we kissed." I slipped, not even noticing my words. I slapped my hand over my mouth, "I didn't mean to say-"

"And you enjoyed it, I see." He smirked, looking me straight in the eyes. Normally, when people look me in the eyes I back away, look away, turn away. Harry was different. He gave me a glowing feeling of warmth like the beating sun.

"I did.." My lips let out, not allowing me to let it through my head. I quickly glanced away from his daze. "Shoot." I sighed, "I need to bite my tongue a bit."

"I could do it for you."

I gasped, laughing out loud, "Cmon Hazza! Stop that!" I yelled, the cave echoing.

"Hazza?" He sent me a flirty grin and I rolled my eyes in response.

"I didn't mean to-"

"You really can't bite your tongue when you're nervous, Angel." He pulled my closer into his cuddle. I allowed him, having no choice. I laughed, throwing my head back and squeezing my eyes shut.

Once I finished my laughter, I noticed Harry's gaze. It followed me and admired me. "What?" I asked him, attempting to break the strange silence.

"Just kiss me already, angel."


He shoved himself at me, kissing my lips. My back his the hard, rock cave ground. I grunted in through the kiss for the pain in my back. Harry pulled away, smiling deeply at me.

And in that moment, I felt our wings disappear, I felt the whole word disappear. I felt no difference between Angels and Demons. It was just us. Louis and Harry. Just too people seeing life together. There were no halos or demon ears, just us. Louis and Harry.

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