Chapter 29

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Emily's POV

Once I awoke from a long night's nap. I turned over to take a quick glance at my phone. It was barely 6, and Zayn had left me a voicemail.

"Em, wake up there's something you should know, can we meet up?"

*Recieved 2 hours ago*

What could possibly be so urgent that he had to call me twice and leave a voicemail? My mind was running with hundreds of possibilities. So I just decided to call him to see what was up.

*ring ring ring*

"Emily! I hope I didn't wake up." He says as he answers the call

"What's going on" I ask as I run my hair through my fingers in confusion.

"It's about Harry, there's something I have to show you. Are you busy at the moment?" He asks and my hearts shrinks.

Harry? what could Zayn possibly tell me about him. I swear if he comes to bash on him ...

"Um, no I just woke up, give me 30 minutes to get myself together and then you can stop by for whatever it is you have to show me." I suggest as I grab a towel and my bathroom utilities.

"Alright, See Ya." Is all he says and hangs up.

I check my phone once again to see if I had any missing calls or messages from Harry. But like I had expected, there was nothing there.

I haven't seen or talked to Harry since the morning after he had slept over. I know he has a lot of work these days but a simple "I miss you" text would do me just fine. It's the little things that get to me. Specially when it comes from Harry. Fuck you Harry Styles for being so damn possesive yet you cant text me.

Once I finished my shower I used a hairdryer to dry my hair. Applied enough makeup to keep me from looking like a girl that just got out of a coma, and changed into a causual morning attire.

I made my way down to the kitchen and made myself eggs with bacon. I ate it in peace and then recieved a text from Zayn informing me, he was already outside.

"Good Morning Zayn!" I smile as I open the door for him he says the same, I lead him over to the kitchen where I was still fnishing my breakfast.

"Do you want anything to eat, drink?" I ask as I signal the kitchen.

"No, no thank you Em." He shruggs. And places his phone on the counter, sliding it over to me so that I could see what he was trying to say.

The screen showed a blurred image of Harry with someone else, I couldn't quite distinguish her face. But I was convinced it was Amanda.

"When was this?" I cried as I picked up the phone and stood it out in front of Zayn's face. .

"I'm sorry Emily, I saw them two days ago. I didn't want to tell you but I couldn't live with myself." He replies. "He can't be playing with you like this Emily. He's not good for you" He says as he takes his phone and slides it over to another picture. Much clearer, and my thoughts were correct. That was Harry. And that was Amanda's lips attached to his.

My heart felt like someone had just stabbed me with a knife, not once, but multiple times. This feeling was brutal, and the fact that I asked Harry not to do it again, made me feel worse. For fucking trusting him.

"I'm such a stupid bitch." I say out loud and Zayn stand up and picks my head up with his hand and says, "You're neither of those things, he's just an asshole planing to break your heart once he gets done with you, I've been warned about him. Do you know what I was told when I first moved into campus?" He asks as he continues to hold my gaze.

"No, what were you told" I ask in frustration. Tears still falling down my cheeks.

"I was told that if I ever get a girlfriend, to keep her away from Harry. I wasn't sure what that meant at the time. But now that I see what he's doing with you. Dammit it makes me furious" He said as he wiped away the tear that had just fallin down my cheek.

"Zayn... I dont understand why Harry would do this to me.." I say as I take a seat on the nearby chair and stuff my face in my hands.

"Because he's an asshole, I asked around and from what I've been hearing, Harry and the girl in the picture have been on and off for years." he states.

That fucking makes so much sence.

No wonder Harry is so protective over her. Whenever he and Amanda argue or break up, he just calls me. This is why he never told me he was going to Zayn's party, because he wanted to reconcile with her. This makes making so much sense to me now, i'm not sure if i'm happy. no, i'm nothing but happy. I'm furious but at the same time glad i'm finding out this thanks to Zayn. I'm basically one of Harry's side chick. I just don't understand why he's doing this to me. He fucking lead me on.

I have to say, Harry is a good fucking actor. He doesn't like me and bullshit to when he said "Maybe we can be more than friends someday". It's all just bullshit.

"Zayn, thank you." I say and stand up to wrap my arms around him.

Zayn's POV

"Because he's an asshole, I asked around and from what I've been hearing, Harry and the girl in the picture have been on and off for years." I tell her. And it's true, I asked people who knew Harry. They all told me the same thing.

I just wanted to hug her and comfort her.Seeing her crying her eyes out in this lonely kitchen room killed me.

She looked beautiful today, despite her running makeup, she once again impressed me by her looks. Her light blonde strikes seemed to glow at the light of the sun coming for the window.

"Zayn, thank you." she says as she looks up at me and steps up to hug me. This is all I wanted to do, I wanted to protect her. I want her to know she can trust me with anything. I need her to know i'm her shield.

My hands wrapped around around her slim waist perfectly. Her head laid over my shoulder, I heard a few sobbing noises here and there. Just in this moment I knew this was just what she needed, a shoulder to cry on.

She's given my life meaning in a little time of knowing her. If only Emily knew how much she means to me, if only.

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