Chapter 40

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We were on the rode for about 30 minutes by now, and Harry continued to ignore my endless and hopeless questions.

"Where the hell are we going?"

"Are we there yet?"

"How long yet to go?"


"Emily, I'm not going to answer any of your questions, just be a good patient girl that you are and tell me how you manage to pull of such a beautiful face everyday.

"Shut up Harry, just shut up." I say and I punch him on his right arm, he makes a fake whine and smiles at me.

That smile.

"Do you have any guesses of where we're going?" He asks me as he looks over to my side and takes hold of my chin. I immediately reach over and take hold of his hand to remove it from my face. He then, quickly takes hold of my hand practically forcing me to interlock our fingers together.

A humble noice escaped my mouth and I laugh as I struggle to let go of his grip. I had to admit Harry was much stronger than I was.

And as hard as I pulled to loose the grip I knew in my mind that it was an impossible task. His hold was tight, too tight, I should say.

"Do you see how tight I'm holding on to you, Em?" He asks, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Yes, Harry. It's very tight." I laugh.

"Well just imagine how much tighter my heart will hold unto yours, while you're gone." He says.

He definetely had this one planned out. But then again, he always has everything planned out. And planned or not planned, it didn't matter because it still made the same affect in my mind. His words sending an overpowering flow of sadness into my heart.

But this wasn't anything new, I should be used to his words controlling my heart and mind. Because they do, everything he says just stays stuck in my brain as if it were a tattoo.

"All this time, you've been acting like if were only you who is hurting. I'm hurting too. It hunts me letting you go, and I will not be responsible for your loneliness. I'm not going to prohibit you from seeing other girls while I'm gone, on the contrary I want you to. I want you to move on, I don't want you to keep hold on me." I confess as I'm playing around with the necklace he had given me yesterday, hanging down my chest.

I notice him shrug and he stays quiet for a minute. Then I notice shaking his head and stopping the car. I look out the window into the night's darkness, to see if we were anywhere in particular but the place did not seem familar to me.

"Let's go." He says.

"What? No, I am not getting out of this car. It's past midnight, we're in the middle of no where and I will not go into the woods with you with that temper."

"What fucking temper? this one? Jesus fucking Christ Emily, I'm trying to do something sweet for you. For us. And you're acting like I'm going to rape you out there. If you don't get out of the car, I'll drag you out if I have to." He says in his normal Harry voice. And yes, Harry does have a normal tone.

"Not until you tell me where we're at!" I yell at him, crossing my hands together.

"Do you not remember this place Emily?" He says, I look out the window one more time and look up to the full moon, the night had to offer us. I carefully gaze out into the woods and torn down sidewalk, and that's when it hit me.

"Wait is this the Evergreen Woods?" I ask him. This is the exact same place where I asked him to take me when I couldn't stand a minute longer at my mother's house. This is the exact same place where I knew Harry was the one. This is the exact same place where we got to know every little detail about each other's pasts. And dear God never let me forget that, this is the exact place where Harry and I had our first kiss.

"Took you long enough baby." He says as he walks over to open the passenger door for me. I walk out of the car and take hold of his hand. We walk down a dirt trail, leading to who knows where, hand in hand.

"Out of all the places in Illinois, I don't think I would have ever guessed this was the place you were taking me." I confesses giving his hand a squeeze.

I'm not gonna lie, being out in the woods past midnight, with no sort of flashlight in hand creeped the fuck out of me. Maybe it's all those scary movies I used to watch with Stacey where the couples in the woods, always get chopped into tiny little pieces.

Gross. Emily. Stop.

We arrive to the destination where we once laid on a Summer day. I notice a large lake staring at us only a few meters away.

"I just wanted to take you someplace special tonight and yes, the expensive restaurant and club were fun but nothing could beat this. This place hold most of our memories. Don't ever doubt that once you're gone and my heart is aching for you I'll come down to these very woods and just walk. Not because it's peaceful, but because it remind me of you. Of us. This place hold so many memories." He confesses as he takes hold of both my hands. Our eyes never leaving each other's. I begin to speak but he cuts me off and continues his speech.

"...You know I make mistakes. I probably made a mistake today by wearing the wrong color bow tie, earlier. Point is, I make mistakes everyday and I will continue to do so because I am human. But I'll tell you one thing Emily Foster, I did not make a mistake when I chose you to be the one that I would cherish till the end of my existence." He finishes off. Our hand grip was grown tighter and my face is almost in tears. But before I let that happen.

I respond to him with the only three words I have learned since I met him. "I love you" I whisper in his ear as I slighty back away. Pulling him in for a passionate kiss. His hands move in different directions, one moves up to grab hold of my hair. The other moves down behind my waist moving to the beat of our rapid breaths.


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