Chapter 6

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When I wake up I am no longer in Harry's car. I'm in a dark room laying on a king sized bed. I stand up and go to the nearest mirror I see. I notice I'm wearing a t-shirt that fits large on me, I'm guessing it's Harry's. Harry!

I search for my phone all over the quiet room. I notice it sitting at the night stand near the bed where I was laying just minutes ago. I rushed through my contacts until I see Harry's name. He doesn't answer. Where the hell am I?

As I make my way out of the beautifully decorated bedroom, I notice that Harry is sleeping in the couch. I approach him with my phone still in hand, "Harry, wake up" I whisper.

"Harry, where are we?" I continue.

He rolls over and half opens his eyes to see me, "hmm?" He's says half asleep.

"Is this your place"

"Mhmm" he shivers and rolls back over, pulling the small blanket to him. I consider asking him to back to the room but I protest. I walk back to the room, which I'm guessing is his since he's sleeping in the coach. The house is so cold, I decide to call Harry so he can come the room. I kneel down next to Harry.

"Harry, come with me" I whisper in his ear. For a second I swear I see a smirk but it's too dark I can't tell. He doesn't say anything he just stands up and follows me back to the- his bedroom.


I'm awaken by my alarm clock at 6:00 am.


I completely forgot about school today. I begin to panic and decide to wake Harry up but he is no longer in bed.

I grab an outfit for the day from my suitcase and make my way to the bathroom. When I get out I smell a very unfamiliar but yet warming smell. I walk over to the kitchen only to find Harry cooking.

"Morning" I try to speak but it comes out as a raspy whisper. I must be coming down with something.

"Good morning, just so you know you are welcome to stay here as long as you like, I'm usually never here" he informs, while flipping some kind of flat bread over a pan.

"Thanks, what are you cooking?" I ask, I've been meaning to know where the wonderful smell came from.

"Pancakes, can't you see?" He plays smart.

"I obviously see, but I've never heard or seen pancakes"

"Well cut my tongue" he jokes.

"I'm serious"

"Everyone's had pancakes before, at least once" he explains. As he lays one of the pancakes on a plate and sets it next to me, "here taste it"

"Wow, this is amazing" I joyfully state. Continuing with my second bite.

"I can't believe you've never had pancakes before"

"I probably have but my mother hasn't cooked in what seems to be 20 years, that I forgot everything I've ever eaten" my smile turns into a frown.

"I'm sorry, don't worry I'll cook for you guys from now on" he winks.

"I'm not sure i like the idea of you and my mom dating, she's too old for you, what can you possibly see in that spycho bitch?" I laugh. He doesn't laugh, he doesn't seem to be entertained by my not so joke comedy.

"She's not that old, you're mom is beautiful" he defends.

"Well I better get ready, I have work at 8 this morning" he changes the topic.

He leaves the kitchen leaving me speechless. Who does he think he is? Just walking out on me when we are having a conversation. I leave the kitchen and make my way back to the bedroom. I completely lose myself when I notice him changing. He doesn't see me checking him out.

I decide to go to the living room and watch television for a while since I'm skipping school today. It's almost winter break and we aren't doing anything besides reviewing for finals the next week. I don't understand why everyone stresses over a piece of crap exam. It's no big deal really. In sophomore year I didn't study and I still passed the semester with a 3.5 GPA. I don't like school, but there is nothing to do at home that I get bored and decide to do my work.

I skim through the channels until I find a the discover channel and how they discovered orcas.

It's about 7:40 when he starts heading out the door. He's rushing.

"Okay, I'll see you later Emily" he waves.

"Do you love her?" I regret the words as soon as they come out.

"What?" His eyebrows meet and his face turns to confusion.

"I didnt stutter" I rebel.

"Well- I"

"Ha!" I laugh.

"I really do like her, but.."

"It's cool, save it." I knew this man didn't want anything with my mom. He's here for a reason and I'm about to find out.

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