Chapter 39

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"Okay , this is the place." Harry announces as we pull into a small parking lot. There was hardly any visable available parking spots. He drove twice around the first section.

"We should just park out in the street." I said once I got impatient of not finding anything.

"Yeah, I'm not trying to get a ticket out there." He remarks and continues to drive, ignoring my suggestion. I finally notice an open spot and point it out. "Thanks, love."

I take a look down at my phone and note that it's already nine thirty. I notice the large line still waiting to get inside and groan to myself. Harry must have heared me because he said "Don't worry, we're VIP guests tonight." and takes hold of my hand with a smile. He walks us over to the front of the line, the man that was standing there checking everyone's ID's smiled and greeted Harry. "We've been expecting you tonight Mr. Styles." He unlocks the gate and signals us to go inside.

I could here the music banging from the outside doors as we walked past them. As we walked in, I saw an enormous amount of people standing around, dancing. My eyes gazed all around to see all the activities the night had to offer. Not many but I was sure Harry would add up to that.

"Alright, so I think the best way to start the night, is to start it off with one drink. Agreed?" He asks as we walk over to the bar just across from the dance floor where we were standing on.

"Mm, just one?" I tease at him with a small chuckle escaping from my mouth. He laughs and his hand makes his was behind my back and around my waist pulling me in for a kiss on the cheek.

"How many is enough to get your party started?" He whispers inside my ear. Sending a rush of addrenaline to run throughtout my body.

"Test me." I wink back at him.

I noticed how bad he was craving me, by the way he kept looking up and down my body, and made me want him also. I had to confess Harry looked incredibly amazing tonight. He wore a loose black t-shirt with dark skinny jeans, nothing knew. His hair was messy curly, no longer pulled back like it was just a few hours ago.

Harry ordes us two drinks to begin with and then turns back to me with a smile.

"What are you majoring in?" He asks.

"Somewhere along the medical field, I want to be able to help people" I answer him and take a sip of my drink that was just given to me by the bar tender.

"Maybe, when you come back from London, you can help me fix this broken heart I carry inside of me." He humoriously says, but the way he said it made it seem like he wasn't joking.

My heart shattered.

"Aw Harry, lets not go the--" I begin to say and he cuts me off by saying, "You have no fucking idea how much i'm going to miss you, and it bothers me how nonchalant you are about this."

"You don't expect me to cry over going to the best college in London, do you? I won't deny that I am very upset I'm leaving without you." I tell him as I finish my first drink.

"What if I come with you." He suggests and my mouth drops.

"No, that will never happen. Please don't fill my head up with ideas. Even though I would love for you to be there." I said. And yes, I really did mean it because if Harry came along, I would have someone next to me who I would know and not be in a city full of complete strangers. Another reason why I would love to have him there was that he would only know me, as selfish as that sounds, he wouldn't focus on Amanda or other girls. It would be an amazing apportunity for us to improve our relationship as friends or whatever the hell we are.

But that's not the case, or ever will be. He has to stay in America. I can't let him go with me, I won't allow it.

"But Em, think about how amazing it would be if I was there." He says in admiration.

"Yes, Harry I acknowledge that, and I can see us doing a million things together, but this one..this one is just not one of them. And as much as it would please me for you to be there, I can't have you there. I need a break from you. There's something about you that's taken control of me, I need to get my body back. It's a complicated subject, but I know if I go, I'll be able to find who I am, or at least who I'm destined to be. I don't expect you to understand where I'm coming from, but I do expect you to respect my desicion." I rant and look away. I notice as I spoke Harry's eyes never left mine, I had his full attention the whole time . And somehow that made me feel like he did understand, for once Harry understood why.

"Emily, I love you so so much. And I'm so thrilled for you to get the best educaion that you deserve, but as much as I want to let you go, I can't. I know I won't make it through these four months without you." He tells me as he places his head on his hands to cover up any visible expression.

When he finally lifts up his head he smiles at me and says, " You want to get out of here, clubs aren't really my thing."

I nod in agreement. He takes me hand in a swiftly manner and walks us through the tough crowd.

"Where are we gonna go now?" i ask as I let go of his hand and stand still waiting for his response

"A place you and I both will enjoy, this wasn't part of my plans. By the way." He says with a smile.


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