'Me and My Crew P2'

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(Word Count: 882)


"So like- how long does this shit last?" asked Drew, picking at my Chipotle.

The whole crew was in my room hanging out, because no one can get enough of me ;)

Finn took his phone out and pulled up in app, where he started to scroll through some things.

"Two more days."

"Aw, you keep track of when my vagina's gonna start bleeding?" I spoke in awe, with a mouth full of burrito.

Finn rolled his eyes, "Yeah, so I know when not to piss you off."

"Very smart Finn, very smart," said Enya, nodding her head. 

I honestly didn't like having a whole crowd in my room, especially because I looked like shit. My hair was un-brushed, my eyes looked tired, and my shirt had some wiped up beans on it.


Enya practically screamed, jolting up from my bed. 

"MOTHER FUCKER THESE SHEETS ARE WHITE," Finn scolded, wiping up the spuilt Dr. Pepper with a bundle of napkins.

Josiah just stood there looking at his mess, with his hands over his mouth in shock. 

I closed my eyes, inhaling in a breathe of air to stay calm.

"Josiah, run."

He just stood there with a blank stare.


And with that, the boy sprinted out of my room before I could kill him.

"It's fine, we just have to put it in the washer asap," said Finn, who was gathering the comforter and sheets.  



At this point, everyone left my bedroom except for Finn. 


Finn tossed me a folded blanket that he had pulled from my closet.

"I feel disgusting," I said, unfolding the blanket.

"Your not disgusting!" Finn yelled from down the hall.

I lay there, hearing the washing machine start, before Finn came walking back in. 

He went through his back-pack that he had packed for the week, since he'd be sleeping over, and pulled out one of his shirts.

"Don't dirty this, it's my last one."

Finn tossed me his shirt to change into. I changed into it, throwing his other shirt into the laundry basket beside the door. 

"What do you want from Vani-Tea?" (this place actually exists where i live)

Damn this boy KNOWS.

I replied with my face hugged into a pillow, "Just a Thai-Tea."

"JOSIAH!" Finn yelled repeatedly, until Josiah showed up.

"What?" he said in annoyance.

"Give me ten bucks, you're buying her boba."

"I am?"

"Yes, you are. NOW PAY UP."

Josiah pulled a twenty out of his pocket, smacking it into Finn's hand.

"Get me something too, surprise me." 

Finn rolled his eyes, putting the money in his back pocket. 

"I'll be back," he said, walking over to kiss my for-head, before leaving.

"You better take an uber!" I yelled.

Finn can't drive.

"JOSH IS DRIVING," he replied.

I heard the front door shut, and I immediately tucked myself under the blanket. I decided to fall asleep. 


The sound of running down the hall woke me up, as my eyes fluttered open. 

I could hear Josiah from the living room. 


"Nothing," Finn said, walking over to my bedroom.

He was sipping his own cup of boba, with what I assumed was mine in his hand. 

He held it out to me, as I sat up.


Before I could take it from him, Josiah snatched it from his hand.

"You asshole, I told you to buy me something."

Josiah walked away with what was supposed to be my boba.

"I FUCKING HATE YOU!" Finn shouted, before becoming soft as he spoke to me again.

"Have mine, I got the same thing."

Before drinking my boba, I looked up at Finn and thanked him. 

"Have you seen Jack's new movie?" asked Finn, as he got into bed next to me, turning the T.V. on.

I took the straw away from my lips to speak.

"'Don't Tell A Soul'?" 


"No, I never watched it."

I placed my cup on my night stand so I could lay down, watching Finn start the movie. 

The movie started, and Finn continuously stared at me as if he were asking for something. I lay there comfortably wrapped in my blanket, without a care in the world.

I turned to him, looking him up and down.

"Bitch, get your own blanket," I said, before turning away to bring my blanket over my shoulders. 


"No, Josiah got me boba."



"Kidding, kidding." 

Later on I let Finn have a share of my blanket, and we watched Jack's movie together. After words, we called Jack to congratulate him. 

"Is Y/N on her period right now?" Jack asked, with his arm around Cylia. 

Finn replied, "Yeah why?" 


The rest of the conversation was just Finn and Jack relating to each other's boyfriend duties. 



(A lot of people wanted a part two of 'Me and My Crew'. SO HERE IT IS! There isn't much CREW interaction, but this chapter leads off of the same story. FUN FACT: I wrote both chapters when I was on my period smh. Anyways, don't forget to vote and comment. <3)

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