'We're Alone Now'

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(Word Count: 852)

Finn tightened his grip on Y/N's hand at the sight of stares she got along the way back to the hotel. She looked up at him from the sudden movement, but Finn kept his gaze ahead of him.

The two walked together through the crowd of people, most who wanted pictures and signatures from Finn. A lot of them looked at Y/N with confusion.

"Who is that girl holding hands with Finn Wolfhard?"

"Slow down," Y/N giggled awkwardly, as Finn pulled her through the front entrance of the building. 

He looked back at her for a moment, before sighing slightly, and continuing to tug on her arm. The couple was now in the elevator, they were alone now, and even then no words were spoken. 

Finn let go of his hold on Y/N, letting her arm fall to her side. She rubbed the side of her arm with her hand, massaging the soreness from where Finn's hand once was. 

He took notice of this, feeling guilty that he had hurt her the slightest bit. They both knew it was an accident, so nothing came in between them about it. 

The elevator doors opened, and Finn walked ahead of Y/N. She followed close behind him as they turned a few corners of the building, the two rushing to get into their hotel room. 

Finn let Y/N walk first into the room, before shutting the door behind him. He lent against the door with a huff, crossing his arms. 

He threw his head back in annoyance.

"Oh my god this is so frustrating," Finn breathed.

Y/N was sat on the edge of the bed, the room was dark since the two hadn't bothered to turn the lights on. 

"Did I do something?" Y/N asked.

Finn picked his head up to look at his puzzled girlfriend. He then walked over to her, and took the two of her hands into his.

"No, you didn't do anything. It's just- I wish you could be with me with out having to get all those looks," Finn mumbled.

Y/N knew what he meant, and she understood everything he was saying. 

Finn wishes people didn't look at Y/N the way they did. He looks at her, and she's everything. She's his world, and the hate she receives isn't deserved. Y/N's never done anything, but be there for Finn, and walking the streets alone with him is already difficult enough as it is. 

Why can't people just be happy for the two of them?

"Hey.." Y/N spoke, looking up at the saddened boy.

"It doesn't bother me, the things they think. They can say what they wanna say, and it'll never hurt me. As long as I'm with you, I don't care." 

Y/N pulled Finn to sit besides her. It's nothing new that the invasion of privacy frustrated him. The alone time with Y/N in public, and memories with her shared just between the two of them. 

He never really got that. 

Something always had to end with them finding a photo of them together somewhere in an article. To Finn, it ruined the specialty of being with Y/N. 

"I just wanna be alone with you," Finn sighed.

He held his head low, curly strands of hair covering his eyes. Y/N brought her hands up to his face, caressing his cheeks. She faced him to look at her, and smiled.

"We're alone now," Y/N spoke.

Finn pulled Y/N's wrists away, and looked down to her arms. 

"Did I hurt you?" Finn questioned, examining where he gripped. 

"Not enough to leave a bruise," Y/N replied.

Finn still felt guilty over the accident. He rubbed both her wrists with his thumbs. 

"I'm sorry," he mumbled.

Y/N chuckled, "I'm okay, Finn." 

Finn looked up to Y/N's innocent eyes. The boy stared into them, as his mind filled with the thought of how much he loves her. Finn loves Y/N.

He loves her a lot.

In an instant, his hands held the back of her head, kissing her passionately. Y/N's hands rested on the comforter on either side of her, holding herself up to Finn's sudden movements. It was fast, and swift, but it only took her a moment to melt into it. 

Soon, Y/N's arms were wrapped around Finn's neck. The two taking it lovingly slow, but picking up the paste here and there.

For the most of it, Finn was in control. Which was unlikely.. But hey, it's his turn to show how much he loves her. (LMAOGFHDSJK)

The two ended up in each others arms to fall asleep in the dark, where the lights from the city poked threw the curtains. Finn head rested on the top of Y/N's stomach, hugging her waste. As usual, Y/N's hands were tangled up in Finn's long mop of raven black hair. 

Finn fell asleep to the thought of Y/N's words.

"As long as I'm with you, I don't care."



(i mayyy start writing in third person point of view. it seems to be easier to write that way. anywho. i hope you liked this, and if you did.. please vote and comment!)

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