'Confessions' ♡

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(Word Count: 995)


There were only a couple drinks needed in order for the two to run back to each other. It wasn't planned, none of it was. They were so intoxicated, that the break up between them didn't exist. It never even happened. 

"Babe your shoes' untied," Finn said, getting on one knee.

The boy had no idea what he was doing. Calling Y/N babe, tying her shoe like he always has, well.. When they were still together.

Finn tried his hardest to not topple over, he was dizzy, and his mind struggled to concentrate on tying Y/N's shoe. 

"Don't touch me," Y/N laughed, taking her foot away. 

"But you shoes' un- but your shoes' untied," Finn giggled, stuttering in between words.

He was still kneeling, and fell over on his side. Y/N began to die in laughter. She walked over to the boy, trying to pull him up. 

"Get up, you big baby," Y/N groaned, struggling to get Finn back on his feet.

Groups of people walked around the two, rolling there eyes and shaking their heads. Y/N and Finn were drunk, walking the streets of L.A. after running into each other at a bar. 

They didn't go to the bar to meet each other, but to meet new people. Y/N had a date, and so did Finn. They both never ended up leaving the bar with their dates, but with each other. 

"Come lay with me.." Finn slurred, his back rising up from the ground every time Y/N tugged his arm.

Y/N let go of his arm. She zoned out, totally unaware of where she was and what she was doing there. 

"Y/N?" Finn asked, squinting his eyes at the two figures that both looked a lot like Y/N. 

"Hm?" Y/N hummed, still staring into the distance.

"There's two of you," Finn chuckled.

Y/N shook her head, getting back into the moment with Finn. Before she could tell him to get up, a security guard had walked over.

"Get your ass up, and leave," the man said through gritted teeth.

"Oh hey man, you should come lay down with me. The stars look nice from here," Finn said. 

The security guard had had it, and suddenly pulled Finn up from the ground, angrily pulling him away down the side walk.

"Hey! That's my boyfriend. Give him back," Y/N whined, dragging her feet as fast as she could towards the man.

The guard soon came to a stop further from the bar, where he threw Finn onto the ground.

"OW," Finn groaned, while the guard angrily walked back to the bar entrance.

"C'mon," Y/N mumbled, helping Finn from the ground.

A taxi drove by, and Y/N waved her arm the second she got the chance. The driver let her and Finn into the car, and drove to the location Y/N directed him to.

"I'm really tired," Finn groaned, his head falling on Y/N's shoulder.

She sloppily threw her arm around him, and twisted his curls. A smile grew upon her face, something that would happen often when she was with Finn. 

"You two better get some sleep," the old man spoke, watching the two from the re-view mirror.

He could tell that they were drunk, and wasn't even gonna bother to make them pay. As long as they left his car safely, he didn't mind. 

"Oh I will," Finn mumbled, referring to how good he slept when he was with Y/N.

The taxi soon came to a stop, and the driver even took it upon himself, to open the door for the two of them. The broken up couple tripped out of the car, and the man watched them walk up to Y/N's apartment, making sure they got into the building without any problems. 

Y/N spoke through slurred words, "Hey.. Take your shoes off."

"I don't wanna move," Finn mumbled, his face in one of Y/N's pillows, one of the ones he usually slept on when they were still together. 

"Your acting like a child," Y/N groaned, pulling his shoes' off.

Y/N got into bed beside Finn, pulling the covers over her shoulders.

Finn tossed his head to face hers.

For a second it came back to him that Y/N was no longer his girlfriend, but the intoxication caused him not to care. 

"I miss you. I miss you a lot," Finn whispered.

Y/N's mind let her remember that Finn wasn't actually hers anymore. Unlike Finn, she did care, but she wanted to hear what he had to say. 

Finn continued to whisper, "It's scary when you're not with me. It's weird. Like- Really, really weird."

Y/N smiled, staring into Finn's eyes. 

"..And I- I don't really know how to function when you're not around. I have to sleep on my own, cook on my own, shower on my own. It's fuckin' weird Y/N."

Y/N laughed at his words.

"I need you," Finn mumbled, in a louder tone.

Y/N looked into Finn's eyes, looking for truth. He looked at her in a way that told her he meant every word he spoke. 

"I need you too.." Y/N replied. 

Her eyes grew glossy at the sight of what once was. Finn was once hers, and as much as she hated to admit it, she needed him too. She couldn't live without him. 

Finn put a hand on her cheek, wiping away her tear with his thumb.

"Don't cry, that's my job," Finn said, making Y/N giggle. 

The two were now secretly sober, and Y/N thought Finn was just drunk, and he didn't really mean any of this. And Finn, he thought that her laughter was the effects of the alcohol. 

But it wasn't.

She smiled, and she laughed, because of him. And he spoke the truth, and his heart, because of her. 



(here's another requested chapter! this was kinda short, and i'm not TOO proud of it lol. but please give me more requests, it really helps. if you enjoyed, please vote and comment!)

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