'Me and My Crew'

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(Word Count: 815)


I felt a sharp pain form in my stomach. I was cramping, and my body began to ache. I walked out of my bedroom, trying to avoid any cameras since Finn and the others were doing their usual YouTube stuff.

"Shit," I mumbled.

I felt the familiar feeling coming from my undergarments, realizing that today was that time of the month. So I quickly grabbed what I needed from under the bathroom sink, and rushed back to my bedroom.

As I got changed, I could hear muffled voices coming from outside my door.

Finn lightly knocked on the door, "Y/N? ...Are you awake?"

"Yeah, just a minute." I replied.

Seconds later Josiah started banging on the door, "Bitch- Open up!"

I then realized that there was a crowd of boys outside my room.


Josiah gasped obnoxiously, "DID YOU JUST CALL ME AN ASSHOLE?"

I heard Finn slap the boy in the back of the neck telling him to shut up.

Finally, I put on a new pair of underwear and pajama pants, so I walked over to open my door.


And seconds later the group of boys barged into my room, Josiah and Josh taking a seat on my bed, while Finn walks over to give me a hug.

"Ew, get a room." Drew jokes, recording with his camera.

I playfully roll my eyes, "You dumb fuck, this is my room."

Drew takes his camera away from us to film himself and the other two boys.

"Are you okay?" Finn questions, looking at me.

"Yeah I'm fine, it's just-"

I cupped my hands over his ears and whispered, "I'm on my period."

Finn quickly released from our hug, putting his arms up in the air, "EVERYBODY! IN THE CAR, NOW!"

I looked at him in complete confusion, "What- Why?"

"You... Your gonna stay here, and relax."

"ROAD TRIP!" Josiah shouted, putting his hands up in the air.

Josh stood up, "You don't even know where we're going."

"Who gives a fuck? You're driving." Drew replied.

"Yeah, so come on." Finn said, walking out with the three boys trailing behind him.

"WHAT ABOUT ME?" I shouted.

Finn responded from down the hall, "DO WHAT YOU ALWAYS DO. START SLEEPING."


All four of us hopped into Josh's car, me in the passengers seat, and the other two guys in the back.

Josh started the car complaining, "Why do I always have to drive?"

"Because, you're our Uber." Drew joked.

Josh looked into the re-view mirror, "If I'm your Uber, then fucking pay me."

"I'll pay you later, just drive us to Target," I spoke.


Josh groaned in annoyance as we walked into Target, "What are we even here for?"

"We're here for Y/N," I leaned in a little closer and whispered, "She's on her period."

Josh threw his head back in realization, "OHHH."

Drew and Josiah walked ahead of us, pointing out things we should buy.

"We need to buy snacks for Y/N, she got her monthly." I told the two boys.

"OHHH. So it's Shark Week," said Josiah.

I replied bluntly, "Yep."


Drew made me record the whole thing for his YouTube video, while Josh was constantly bullying me.

"Got her some Hawaiian Punch," Drew said into the camera, holding up a jug of juice.

A few moments later Josh walked up to us with two packs of Reese's, "Should we get her reesees?"

I thought to myself, "This dumbass just said Reese's wrong."


Josh rolled his eyes at me, as Josiah skipped over to show us the Golden Oreo's he selected.

We hurried over to the self-checkout, and bought all the food we picked out.


As I lay down in bed scrolling through Instagram, I heard the front door swing open.

Josiah shouted, "We're back bitches!"

I listened to the footsteps of all four boys walking to my bedroom, so I quickly hid under the blanket.

Drew opened the door, "Where is she?"

"She's under the blanket," replied Finn, shoving the Oreo's into my face.


"Oh shit- Sorry." he said, gently putting his arm under the blanket with a pack of Reese's.

Suddenly the blanket flew over my head, "Bitch say thank you," said Drew.

Finn quickly tucked me in again.


I thanked them with a mouth full of Reese's, "Thanks guys."



(i wrote this on my laptop at like two in the morning)

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