'Deja Vu'

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(Word Count: 852)

A/N: read this like your dramatically reading a letter you wrote after you and finn's break up

Dear Finn, 

In all honesty, I hope you don't ever end up reading this. I'd hate to make myself look stupid for writing to you after you made it very clear, that you never wanted to hear from me again. But hey, it's not my voice, just my sloppy hand writing. Anyways, I guess this letter is more for my closure then it is yours.

But before you keep reading, I thought I'd let you know where I was. I was at Lou's. He noticed how you weren't with me, and offered to let me pick out a few things for free. I didn't end up getting anything, but a few realizations. 

Standing in that record shop, made me realize how much I had lost. I'd lost the comfort for Lou's welcoming smile, the excitement for finding a vinyl that I didn't already have, and the usual shadow that'd cast over me as it followed close behind. The thing is, is that you weren't there. 

You weren't there to call my name from across the shop when you found something you liked, or to get on one knee when my shoe was untied, and then stand back up to hit your head on the shelf. Just like when you weren't there when I had to walk out of that shop alone, finally coming to conclusion that I'd never go back. 

Because I can't. I could never go back there. Not without you. 

And you know what sucks Finn? Is that you're reading this letter, that you got from Lou, in that record shop. The same record shop that I took you to on your sixteenth birthday. And all I can do, is wonder what it feels like to be there with her, when it was almost three years ago that you were there, with me. 

How does it feel? Does it make you feel good to know that you were first to take her there? And does it feel good to know that it's no longer our place, but you and her's? I hope it makes you feel good Finn. Because I sure as hell know that we didn't end for you not to finally be happy. But guess what?

In the end, I'll be happy too. Not only because of the things you made me feel, or the memories we created, or the amount of times I thought to myself how lucky I was to be with someone like you, but because i'm happy that you get to be happy.

I am happy for you Finn. I really am. And I hope that you didn't waste four years with me to finally realize that I had always been happy for you. No matter what choice you made, or what road you took, I would always be happy for you. I just wish I could be the one to keep telling you that everyday. So promise me you'll treat her better then you ever did me. Because you treated me damn well Finn, but not well enough to keep me in your life. 

And you keep taking her to Lou's. I'm sure she loves it there, now that you'd been the first one to show it to her. And when you tie her shoe, please, for the love of god, watch your head. 

P.S.  Let Lou know that I'll miss him, because I'm never going back there. Ever. 

Finn looked to the back of the shop, and for a second, he could've sworn he saw Y/N standing there, browsing through a crate full of vinyl records. It was her.

He walked over to her, and when the girl took notice of the shadow that casted over her shoulders, she turned around and smiled. She smiled up at Finn, who looked rather out of place. He was confused as he looked at her.

In another moment, he looked down two her shoes. They were untied, and the memory of Y/N made him dizzy. This exact same moment had happened before. 

Finn forced himself to let out a few words.

"You- You're shoes' untied."

He then forced himself to get down, and tie his girlfriend's shoe. As he stood up, Lou watched him from the cashier, and counted down from three.

"Three, two, one."

Finn winced, and held the top of his head with both hands, but when he looked to the girl in front him, all he could see was someone else. Someone, that wasn't Y/N.



(Lou's is a real record shop in the city of California, called Encinitas. I go there often since I live in San Diego. I don't know if I'm ending it here, because who knows if I'll have more ideas. All I know, is that as if right now, I have major writers block, and I need to focus on my grades. I love y'all lots, and I can guarantee I'll be back when Stranger Things 4 or Ghostbusters finally come out. Pls vote and comment! This chapter kind of made me sad.)

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