'In His Arms'

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(Word Count: 605)

Mike sat criss crossed on his bed, playing something on the gaming console. Y/N watched behind him for what felt like forever, before she finally crawled over to sit on his lap. 

"It is too hot for you to be sitting on my lap right now," Mike complained, raising his arms up with a gaming controller in hand.

Y/N ignored his complaints and clung onto Mike in a hug, arms around his neck, and legs around his torso. 

She mumbled into Mike's shoulder, "I just want some love and affection."

"You can get that when I win the game," Mike responded. 

Y/N brought her head up from Mike's shoulder, and grabbed his face with both hands.

"Well I want it now. Multi-tasking exists, so make it happen," She spoke, before resting her head back into Mike's shoulder.

Mike sighed, and continued to stare into the small T.V. He struggled a bit with his arms around Y/N's back, but he made it work.  

"I can't feel my legs," Mike groaned, after the first ten minutes of sitting like this.

"If I try to stand, I'll probably collapse."

Y/N mumbled under her breathe, "Now you know how it feels." 

"Shut up," Mike laughed.

"Oh you heard that?" Y/N replied.

"Yeah, I did," Mike chuckled. 

Y/N picked up her head, "I mean it Micheal, so stop complaining." 

"Fine," Mike breathed.

The two stopped talking while Mike continued to play the game for about an hour. He cursed a few words here and there, as he grew annoyed with the game. 

"You're never gonna win it," Y/N spoke.

Her cheek was now pressed into Mike's as she watched him play. 

"You kinda suck," She laughed.

Mike did his best to ignore her, and continued to click buttons on the controller. His legs felt sore, and the video game wouldn't let him win. 

He was pissed. 

Suddenly he chucked the controller away from him, but only for it to get caught by the wire, and hung from the side of his bed. With Y/N still on top of him, Mike fell backwards.

"This what you wanted?" Mike asked, as he stared at the ceiling. 

Y/N smiled to herself, "Yeah."

She let her legs release from Mike's torso so they'd be tangled with his. 

"You're anger issues are worse then Hopper's," Y/N mumbled.

She never talked about Hopper in past tense. It hurt her to do so, so she'd speak of him as if he was still there, driving the Chevrolet around town.

"That is not true. Tomato man's anger issues are far worse then mine," Mike replied. 

The two laughed, until it died down at the memory of him. 

"You know, he'd kill us right now if he saw us cuddling," Mike said.

Y/N turned her head from Mike's chest, to the door that she left open, just enough to Hopper's satisfaction. 

She smiled, "Yeah.. he would." 

Y/N rested her head back into Mike's chest. He stroked her hair, before pulling the covers over their bodies.

Looking into the ceiling above them, he thought of how he promised himself he'd take care of Y/N. For Hopper, cause that's what he would've wanted. Hopper cared so much about protecting her and El, that the last thing he would've wanted was for the too girls to be unsafe.

As soon as Y/N's breathing made sound, Mike let himself fall asleep knowing that she was safe. 

In his arms, she was safe. 



(this was a draft. idk how to feel about it, but.. i hope you liked :) also, if you were dating mike, this mf would be overprotective as HELL)

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