'Miles' Property' ♡

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(Word Count: 755)


Miles, Flora, and I all sat together in a circle on the floor of her bedroom. Flora had been begging for a tea party, and there was no way you could say no to that little girl. 

Miles sat on one of Flora's floor cushions, with my head on his lap. The two of us watched as Flora set up the empty tea cups onto the floor mat, or as Flora called it, 'Her Picnic Blanket'. 

"Y/N, sit up so you can drink your tea," Flora spoke, in her cute little girlish voice. 

I sighed, sitting up from Miles' lap, who held a look of disappointment plastered on his usual gloomy looking face. 

"Would you like some sugar?" asked Flora, in a playful british accent. 

I played along, replying in the same accent. 

"Yes, please."

I looked over to Miles, the boy rolling his eyes in annoyance. 

"Here you go M'dear," said Flora, handing me an empty glass tea-cup, one that looked rather valuable. 

"Why thank you, miss.."

"Fairchild," Flora whispered.

I nodded in response, "Thank you, miss Fairchild."

Miles took notice as I tilted my head back, pretending to sip Flora's imaginary homemade tea. 

"Shit," Miles winced, placing two of his hands against my neck.

I instantly moved my head straight forward.

"What? What's wrong?" I questioned. 

Miles' eyes widened at me, doing his best to mentally transfer his thoughts. Once I finally caught on to what he was on about, I gently placed the glass onto the picnic blanket.

Flora instantly placed the antique tea-pot onto the ground, "Miles your choking her!"

"No no, Flora I'm fine," I replied, shooing Miles hands away to cover up my neck with my own. 

Flora zoned out, with her eyes tuned in onto my shoulder.

"Why is your shoulder all purple?" 

Miles swiftly pulled my sleeve up, staring back at Flora totally caught off guard. 

Flora crawled over to the two of us, who looked like a caught off guard mess. Both of our eyes went wide, my hands over my neck, and Miles' hand holding up the sleeve of my sweater. 

Flora examined some of the bruises the two of us failed to hide.

"Did you hurt yourself?"

"Oh no I just-"

Flora cut me off, turning over to Miles.

"Did you do this to her?"

Miles opened his mouth to speak, "Well I- Uh.."



Flora began to scream, "Kate! Kateee! KATE!!!"

"SHHH! Y/N'S FINE FLORA," shushed Miles, trying to quiet down his little sister.


Suddenly Kate, their nanny, came rushing into the door frame. 

"What! What's wrong?" 

Flora instantly began to point towards my neck.

Kate came over to me, who stayed silent. She gently took my wrists away from my neck, then sighed, and looked at Miles, who's eyes were still wide. 

"Y/N's gonna be okay Flora, it's just a rash," Kate told the young girl. 

Without a care in the world, Flora soon got lost in playing with her dolls, forgetting about what had just happened.

Kate turned over to Miles and I, whispering.

"You idiots realize this won't come off right?" 

We both nodded.

She shook her head, "I might have some foundation somewhere in my room, if it's not your shade then I can go buy some tomorrow."

Miles and I both stood up, walking away into the long dark halls of their gothic mansion. 

The curly headed boy began to slightly laugh. I turned over to look at him, who had a stupid smile along his face.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing, it's just- My little sister knows about your hickeys," Miles spoke between laughs.

I stopped walking.


Miles then laughed hysterically, which echoed through the halls. 

I looked on either side of us, afraid that Mrs. Grose would come to question our chatter. My hand found it's way to Miles wrist, dragging him along to Kate's bedroom which was further down the hall. 

"Be quiet would you?" I whispered, shutting the door behind us. 

Miles stopped laughing.

"Hey look were alone again," the boy said casually.

I replied while going through Kate's bedside drawer, "Yeah so don't get any ideas. I don't need anymore of your fucking bruises." 

"Just marking what's mine," Miles whispered, leaning down to peck my neck.



(LMAO I CAN'T TAKE THIS SHIT SERIOUSLY I'M SORRY. I HATE MYSELF SM. ANYWAYS. I hope y'all liked this, so don't forget to vote and comment. :D)

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