'Homework' ♡

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(Word Count: 977)


Miles had no explanation to how he could've brought Y/N home all those months ago. Everyone found it unbelievable, that a girl like her didn't mind roaming the dark hallways of a mansion people swore was uncanny. 

The house was never warm, or welcoming. Not even Miles. Yet Y/N didn't seem to care. There was something about him that captured her attention. He was weird, but she was just as much as he was for even speaking to the boy. 

Y/N did anything to break into Miles' shell, to know and understand him. She wanted to be able to see him, for who he really was. Not for just some creep who people avoided in school, or some rumored psycho that was incapable of making friends. 

Y/N succeeded to get inside Miles' head. No matter how dark it was, she new there was a sense of enlightenment in there. She really flipped a switch in his life. Miles was smiling more, laughing more, and became an overall open person. 

The two showed each other so much affection, to the point where even saying 'I love you' was unnecessary, because their actions spoke more then words. They knew that one cared for another, and enough was enough. 

"Miles, concentrate. You need to get this stuff done."

Y/N stood beside Miles, who sat at his desk with a few math pages spread across the table. He had homework to do over his suspension, and Y/N'd be there to help him with it. 

"I have a whole week to get this done. Can't we just do it later?" 

Miles looked up at Y/N with pleading eyes, his arms held tight around her waist. 

"Don't act like you'll do it later, cause I know you won't. So stop procrastinating," Y/N replied. 

The two looked back down at the page, with Miles' cheek pressed against Y/N's hip.


She continued to explain the problem, but Miles' mind was else where. He lifted Y/N's shirt, just enough to expose her waist line. His teeth then found their way toward the lace of her underwear, where he bit down as he looked up to Y/N, who looked down at the same time.

"Miles, stop it," Y/N spoke, as if speaking to a child. 

Her hand flew through the back of his curls, pulling his head back, where he smiled like an idiot. Miles let go and Y/N's underwear slapped back onto her waist line, causing her to feel a pinch.

(okay, it's over my children <3)

She sighed and turned her head away from him.

"Grow up, please." 

Miles wasn't fazed by Y/N's annoyance, and continued to mess with her. He hugged her waist once again and look down to his homework, giving her a little bit of cooperation. 

"Can you summarize everything I just explained to you?" Y/N questioned.

"Sit on my lap."


"Do it."

"Miles, I said no."

"Do it and I'll do my homework."

Miles smirked as Y/N gave in, and sat on his knees. 

"You better focus, cause I can just go home," Y/N said. 

Miles head looked over her shoulder, with one arm around her waist, and the other along the table. 

"Okay, okay. I'm focusing," he replied. 

The two spent another hour at Miles' desk, and surprisingly, Miles' payed attention. For the most part. 

He pretended to just rest his head in the crook of Y/N's neck, before planting gentle kisses across her neck and shoulder. 

"MILES REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED LAST TIME?" Y/N yelled, referring to the time Flora found her hickies. 

Miles brought his head up, with his eyebrows furrowed. 


"NO, YOU LEAVE ME ALONE," Y/N replied. 

"I CAN'T."


Y/N stood up from Miles' lap, and headed for the door. Before she could even twist the knob, her free wrist was tugged backwards. Her chest slammed into Miles, as he looked down at her. 

"I'm sorry okay? But don't leave, I'll be good," Miles spoke. 

"I just love you alot, and it's hard to leave you alone sometimes and I'm sorr-"

Miles let go of Y/N's hand to slap himself in the mouth. 

He just rambled to her about how he loves her. 


He was shocked at what he had said. Miles couldn't believe that those words had came from his mouth. Regardless if he meant them or not, he never thought to see the day where he'd tell someone he loved them.

With Miles looking scared as ever, Y/N looked up at him with a smirk. 

"What'd you just say?" she asked.


Miles voice came out muffled with his hands covering his mouth. 

Y/N slowly took his hands out of the way so he could speak. 

"Say it again," she smiled. 

Miles sighed in defeat, and looked down to his feet.

"I said, I love you."

"Look at me and say it."

He brought his head up to look at her. He stared into Y/N's eyes that screamed in excitement. 

"I love you," Miles spoke. 

Y/N brought her hands up to hold his face. She looked into his eyes and returned the mutual feelings.

"I love you too."

Their little moment ended the second she walked away to Miles' desk. He turned around and stared at her in disappointment. 

Y/N clapped her hands, "Chop chop. Let's get some work done."

"What the fuck?" Miles said. 

"You said you'd be good if I stayed, so c'mon," Y/N replied.

"I just told you I loved you, and you didn't even kiss me?"

Y/N's eyes rolled.

"If I kiss you, promise you won't get distracted?"


Y/N walked back over to Miles, grabbed the back of his head with both hands, and smashed there faces together. She pulled away to a love-struck boy, who smiled with swollen lips. 

"Open your eyes Miles, it's over," Y/N said.

She pulled Miles back towards the desk, and the two continued to work on his homework. 




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