
861 27 3

Word Count: 409

Y/N was sound asleep when Finn awoke from his nightmare. He never had nightmares, but tonight was different.

He contemplated waking up his girlfriend, but decided that doing so might give him the closure he needed. The closure that she was here, with him, safe and sound, by his side.

"Y/N," he whispered, gently shaking her shoulder.

It took him about three times to call her name before her eyes opened.

"Sorry," he apologized.

Y/N turned around to look at him.

"What's wrong?" she spoke.

Her voice sounded tired and groggy, and Finn couldn't help but feel safe to hear it.

"I had a bit of a nightmare," he replied, laying back into his pillow.


He stopped speaking mid-sentence.

"I what?"

Y/N looked Finn in the eyes with worry.


He emphasized the end of the word in embarrassment.

He planted his face into his pillow, as if Y/N couldn't see him.

"You can tell me," Y/N said, rubbing her eyes clear.

It was at least two a.m.

Finn groaned, "It was so fucking scary, but stupid all at the same time."

"Did you cry?" Y/N chuckled, bringing her hands to wipe the water from under his eyelids.


Y/N wrapped her arms and Finn's neck, bringing him into a hug.

"Can you talk to me about it now?"

"Fine," Finn said into her shoulder.

"We we're out eating somewhere, and we started arguing over something. Then out of the blue this zombie apocalypse occurs and I just freeze. I couldn't stand up from my chair to grab you and run, but somehow you could. You just stood up and left."

"Aw, Finn that sound tragic," Y/N spoke, trying to hold her self from laughter.

Finn brought his head up to look at her, "Don't you dare fucking laugh at me."

"I won't I promise."

The too lie there holding eachother for a hot minute before Finn began to fake cry.

"Why would you leave me like that? You're such a bitch."


"I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I know you'd never do that."


Y/N went silent.


"Yes, Finn. I would never leave you to die alone in a zombie apocalypse," Y/N replied.

"A part of me doesn't believe that."

"Neither do I."

UPDATE: Y/N had the same dream Finn had. She fucking left him to die in a zombie apocalypse. It was a good dream on her take.

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