'Sick Days'

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(Word Count: 507)


"Please kiss me," Finn whined, as he watched me clean up the bedside table of tissues. 

"I wish I could," I replied sadly, collecting all his food wrappers from the floor.

"I can make your wishes come true," Finn slurred.

"I wish that you go the fuck to sleep."

Finn groaned, and shifted under the covers. He was sick, and for some reason when he is, he becomes more needy then he is when he's healthy. 

"I can't sleep like this," Finn said.

"Why not? You got the whole bed to yourself," I replied, putting some Tylenol into a small syringe. 

"THAT'S EXACTLY WHY I CAN'T SLEEP," Finn shouted, before having a cough attack.

I held the syringe in front of Finn's face.

"Take this."

"No it's poison. If that shit tastes like grape, it's poison."

"It's not poison, it's the key to kissing me again. Now open the fuck up."

Finn sighed in defeat, and took his medicine. He swallowed it with a sour look, before snatching the water bottle from my hand to chug it. (LMAO I DO THIS)

After he downed the water, he took a breathe of air.

"Drink your tea or your throat will get worse," I said.

"Jeez, your like mom," Finn said, sipping the mug of tea. 

I rolled my eyes, and walked over to my twin size mattress across the room. This fucker made me go buy one, cause 'sleeping in the living room is too far away'. 

"I hate this," Finn mumbled, comforter over his shoulder, as we looked at each other from our separate beds. 

"I don't know. It's kinda nice to not be kicked in the middle of the night," I said, making angles in the space of my mattress.

"I can not believe you right now," Finn sniffled.

I turned to my side to look at him.

"I'm kidding," I laughed. 

Finn and I looked at each other from across the room. We just layed there and stared into each others eyes, his soon grew glossy.


He gets emotional when he has a fever.

"Finn, don't start crying."

He sniffled, trying his best to hold in his tears.

"I'm not crying," Finn croaked.

I groaned, and sat up from my blow up mattress. I thought to myself for a second, before getting up to walk over to Finn.

"If I get sick, it's gonna be another week of detachment," I sighed, crawling over Finn to get into bed. 

He turned around, and I opened my arms freely. He layed on top of me, hugging me like a pillow.

My shirt grew wet, and I looked down to Finn who's cheeks were still wet from tearing up. I then wiped it away with my thumb, and my hands found there way to his long mop of curly hair. 

"Goodnight," Finn mumbled into my chest.



(this was kinda short, but it was requested! i need more ideas if you guys would like me to update more often. don't forget to vote and comment!)

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