'To Be Held'

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(Word Count: 561)


I stared into the distance, my mouth agape. In this moment, I was sat behind Finn, who consentrated on the video game he had been playing. 

I was lost in my thoughts, completely unaware that my breathing had gotten heavy. There was this overwhelming stress surrounding my head, the thoughts consisted of school, and the relationship with my parents. 

I began to eagerly fidget with my fingers, my breathing had gotten so heavy to the point where I could hear it through my own thoughts. 

The boy sat in front of me couldn't hear a thing with his headset on. My frozen glare that was once set onto my bedroom wall, allowed me to blink. It was here, that I took as a chance to leave the room.

I couldn't contain myself.

Finn's eyes were on me once I finally got myself to stand up.

"You okay?" Finn asked casually, yet slightly worried. 

He's aware of when I'm panicking. Whether I like it or not, he'll always be aware. 

The only thing I could get out in response was a slight 'Mhm,' but as soon as he could see the look on my face, there was no getting out of this. He knew I was panicking, he just knew it. 

As soon as he realized I wasn't okay, he took the headset off, and set it beside him. 

Finn gently took my hand in his, slowly pulling me closer. I was now standing in between his legs. He looked up at me, as if examining my pain. 

'What is wrong?'

He didn't need to say it aloud, all he needed to do was hold me to tell me that I could talk to him. 

His arms were already snaked around my waist, looking up at me. I zoned out again, but only for his hand to bring my gaze back to him. 

"It's nothing," I whispered, more so telling myself that it was nothing. 

Finn sighed. 

He wasn't going to force anything out of me. If I didn't want to talk about it, I didn't have to. That wouldn't stop him form being there for me. Whatever it was, he knew I needed him. 

He took one of his arms away from me to grab the remote, and turn the T.V. off. 

I stood still as I watched Finn walk over to the side of my bed, he got in, and held his arms open. I dragged my feet over to Finn, getting into bed beside him. 

All I needed was to be held. I hadn't gotten to sleep very well since the things in my head kept me up at night. I took this as a chance to forget everything, and focus on being with Finn. 

It provided me a lot of comfort to just lay in his arms. 

With this, I drifted off to sleep. Finn stroked my hair until he could hear my light snores, indicating that I was okay. I would be okay, because all I needed was this..

To be held. 



(ew this chapter was shit. i rushed through it because I need to update this book. anyways someone recommended something like this. so here it is! i myself struggle with panic attacks, and i think this was a good way to explain what it feels like. don't forget to vote and comment!)

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