'wide awake'

843 26 0

word count: 375


"get off me," finn groaned.

y/n lie on top of his back, bugging him to leave the house.

"i wanna go outside. i don't think i can lie here much longer."

no response came from finn. 

"please. even we just sit in the drive way for like two minutes, i'll leave you alone for the rest of the night," y/n said.

finn sighed.

"fine," he murmured. 

y/n mentally cheered, and got up off him. 

finn took her hand and walked her out of the room, down the hall, and out the front door. 

"you better make this quick," he spoke, taking a seat in the middle of the drive way. 

y/n and finn sat side by side, hugging their legs. finn rested his head on his knees, exhaustion taking over him. but y/n was wide awake, which was the usual late night issue. 

she wasn't worried, or nervous about anything. she's just never been able to fall asleep too easily, even with finn there.

"i'm sorry i can't sleep," y/n said, resting her head against finn's shoulder.

"don't be sorry," finn mumbled, his head still laying low. 

the two momentarily sat in the dark without any words spoken. 

finn picked his head up.

"don't ever feel sorry," he said, wrapping an arm around her.

"i know i can be grumpy at two in the morning, but if it means you need me to sit outside with you in the dark i'll do it." 

y/n smiled to herself. 

"aren't you cold?" finn questioned.

"very," y/n laughed.

"we can go inside now."

finn stood up, taking y/n's hand and pulling her up from the ground. he pulled her into a hug, with his chin on top of her head.

"i need you to try and get some sleep, okay?"

y/n spoke into finn's chest, "no promises."

finn exhaled, and let go. he took y/n's hand and led her back into the house. he shut the door behind them and walked back to his room.

with finn closing the bedroom door, y/n crawled into bed. shortly after, finn followed and laid down beside her. 

"don't be annoying and go to bed," he said, pulling the covers over his shoulder.

"excuse me?" y/n spoke.

"you heard me," finn sassed.

y/n wrapped her arm around him, her cheek to his back.

"you're a real bitch sometimes," she mumbled.

finn smiled.

"i know."



(i've changed my writing style, and i think starting at this chapter i'm going to continue writing in a different way. not too sure yet if ima be crazy active again, but this is just the beginning of me trying to write again. hopefully this short chapter was alright. but see y'all whenever i decide to publish again :D)

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