Chapter 25

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"Ah...Aah...AH! ACHOO!!.....uuuuggggghhhhh someone end me"

I trembled in the blankets looking up at the adult standing by my bed, Madam Pomfrey placed her hand over my warm head humming, "High fever, don't worry you'll be fine in a day or two"

"W-What? But it's Hogsmead weekend!"

I sniffled trying to get up coughing groaning, she shook her head pouring me a cup of warm liquid handing it to me, "Well you should've thought of that when you went out last night without a sweater, what were you even doing out late at night?"

"U-Um...I was um...gazing at the snowfall"

I grinned not trying to look in anyway suspicious, she squints her eyes at me rolling her eyes, "Hm sure"

She walked away tending to another patient, I sighed staring up at the white ceiling. I knew deep down I should've taken a sweater last night when I went out to play my violin for the werewolf, but no my peanut mind thought it wasn't going to be that cold. I sniffled hearing my name ring behind the main door, the doors opened revealing my friends.

" look terrible"

Ron comments Hermione nudges his shoulder scolding him, I scrunched my nose at him laughing quietly, "Yeah well I still look better than you"

Harry asked if I was okay to which I responded yes, I told them about what Madam Pomfrey told me and that got Hermione to shaking her head, "I told you it was going to snow, didn't I?"

"Yeah yeah... man I can't believe I'm going to miss the Hogsmead trip"

"It's okay (Y/n) Harry will keep you company while we get you your supply of chocolates, right Harry?"

"R-Right... It won't be too bad. I'll bring over the chest set for us to pass the time"

"Awe thanks guess there's people out there who still care about little old me"

I drape my arm over my face being as dramatic as I can. Not a second later did the doors open with a hard kick revealing the twins, Fred and George, "Oh no it's true!"

"The fiddler has been bed bidden!"

I press my lips together sinking on the mattress, they came over to my bed asking if I was fine. As tempting as it was to sneeze in their identical faces I held back my willingness. If you couldn't tell I was annoyed at the two, well not much as the first week when something happened. Let's just say last week I accidentally walked in on one of their traps and my skin paid the price. I was an ugly shade of green for three days thanks to them and I was angry at the fact that I helped in making that two-day-long potion.

So yeah, I was still a bit skeptical on the two, "Don't worry we'll care for you"

"Bloody hell I'd rather clean the end of a dragon with a toothbrush"

I frowned pulling the sheets up to my face, Fred pouts asking if I was still mad about the incident. Of course, George answered for him trying to apologize sincerely, "It's the last time I'll ever help you make a prank"

"Come on love you have to admit, it was kinda funny"

I pout not wanting to fess up so I turned away covering my body. It wasn't long before Madam Pomfrey told everyone to leave so I could rest, well not before the Twins promised to bring me a load of sweets from Honey Duke's. "You've tempted me with sweets, how can I not forgive you"

"Sure anyways feel better"

George pat my head leaving with the others Fred poked my cheek sticking his tongue out, "You can never be mad at us, love feel better!"

He waved finally leaving me to myself, I sighed leaning on the headpiece already bored. I look around the white room realizing it's been a while since I've been here. In retrospect that's a good thing being in the Hospital Wing is probably the most boring part of the castle.

A deep sigh came out of me wondering what I should do while I wait for my sweets to arrive, perhaps resting would do me well during this time.

"Excuse is (L/n) (Y/n) here? I was told she would be here by her friends"

I sat up recognizing the voice, Madam Pomfrey said yes saying which bed I was. The footsteps carried for a bit before revealing Professor Lupin, he smiled greeting me with a usually tired expression.

"Heard you got sick"

"Sadly yes... But I'll live trust me this is lukewarm to the things I've been through"

I lean back thinking back to the adventures I've had with my friends, of course, I've nearly died in some of those moments but I'm fine. He nods pulling up a bag placing it on his lap, "I've figured it out"

He chimed as if he discovered the answer to World peace. I raised an eyebrow asking what he figured out, pulling out a book he explained what he's been doing since the last time we've talked. Apparently, in those nights, he was researching he stumbled upon a certain book of ancient mythical beasts in the Restricted Area.

"So what I've found here is that your Curse is possible to tame, also it turns out that parchment paper was only the surface of a deep hole"

"Oh... O-Okay so no cure?"

"It's for certain confirmed in this book and... I'm sorry but this is permanent and if you were to remove it... It would kill you"

I flinched at the thought shaking my head deciding taming this curse would be a much better choice over death. Flipping pages he tapped his finger pointing at some drawings of what seems to be Witches and Wizards who have been connected to this Curse.

"To my understanding, it says here 'Witches and Wizards who've interacted with the Liquification Curse have different forms of their inner beasts' So to my understanding depending on what type of person you are it reflects the said beast from within"

I pressed my lips together squinting my eyes at him, somewhat catching on to what he was reading. He shows me the levels of beasts and names of types magical beings have been given, to my understanding it's for certain I am no longer just a Pureblood witch but a Half-breed Pureblood.

"...Okay I guess that clears up some questions that have been swarming my mind but I do still have one question that's bothering me"

"What is it?"

"I'm noticing you're avoiding the very much obvious beast at the top and I'm getting the sense you're doing it on purpose, aren't you?"

The moment I said that the color flushed from his face clenching his hand on the book. We stayed quiet for a bit before I spoke again hoping it isn't what I think it is, "... That's my inner beast... Isn't it?"

He looked down slowly nodding I grabbed the book from his hands taking a closer look at the drawing. Its most noticeable feature was the scary-looking skull on its face and the body of a wolf. The writing on the side described what the person would have if they were to have the rare beast. The fangs, strong hearing, and obnoxious outbursts it was all there that described my problems with this Curse.

The longer I stared at the book the less I noticed my surroundings, I can feel my life crashing down around me growing cold. Out of all things that could've happened to me... This wasn't what I expected. I felt a hand land on my shoulder making me jump at the sudden touch.

I felt my eyes get puffy tearing up at my unfaithful future, Professor Lupin pulled me to a hug whispering that it was going to be okay. Some part of me wanted to believe him, that everything would be okay. But I know deep down... I know it won't.

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