Chapter 14

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Coming out of the common room I fix my uniform taking a deep breath. I'll just eat quickly and come back not really in the mood for interacting with anyone.

Before I went up the stairway to the Great Hall I see Professor Snape holding four boxes trembling trying to close the door. I mentally sighed knowing I can't walk away from this without at least asking if he needs help.

I go to Professor Snape closing the door for him. He moves the boxes to see who it was and it was little old me. He thanked me walking away unsteadily, "Professor! Do you need help?"

I ran up to him asking I prayed to Merlin he would say no but he said yes. I grabbed two boxes feeling their weight, they weren't big but for sure heavy.

I tried to peak in the box but almost dropped the box in the process. "So where are we going?"

"To Professor Lupin I'm dropping off some equipment he asked me to bring him"

I shake the box hearing a lot of glass I hummed following the strict Professor back to Professor Lupins' class he was still in the same chair when I left. "Here are your equipment"

Professor Snape says putting down the box on a table. Professor Lupin thanked him noticing I was with him. I put down the box waving at him, "Hello again (Y/n) I thought I was done seeing you for the day until dinner"

"Hi Professor yeah about that I need to ask you something"

Professor Snape left without a word closing the door. Professor Lupin placed his hands on the box looking nervous, "And that would be?"

"I was thinking about my curse and I was wondering if there's by any chance anyway to control it?"

"Well, I was thinking about that too. Matter in fact did you think about why you have an hour class with me?"

"I had a hunch it was about my curse... But ignored the thought"

"Correct and I'm going to be honest I don't know. Your curse is still new to the Wizarding World so I have no clue how it works but after seeing your reaction on the train and in the dorms I have a feeling that your crystal has a major role in this not just in cocooning you to heal you"

I take out my necklace looking at the crystal he waddles to his chair breathing heavily, "I talked to Dumbledore about it and he mentioned that you can only hear negative thoughts here's my advice try to think of something happy"

Why didn't I think of that? Oh yeah because it's hard to process right and wrong that's why. I just nod taking the advice with a pinch of salt. He chuckles most likely noticing my unsatisfied reaction.

"I'm sorry you didn't get the answer you were hoping for but this is all I can offer now why don't you go to the Great Hall and eat oh and I have something of yours"

I raised an eyebrow watching him raise his wand unlocking the door. Smoky flies out perching himself on my shoulder. "Smoky?! Why are you here?"

"He's been coming here for a while stealing my stuff finally caught this little bandit"

Professor Lupin leans forward scratching Smoky's head. I apologized promising to return his items. He waved them off saying they weren't something he couldn't get again. I looked at Smoky he just lets out a few chirps scratching his head with his claws.

"Smoky I thought I raised you better"

"Can't blame him though those shells were nice. Must be going through his teenage stealing phase"

"I'm sorry Professor I'll be going now once again hope you feel better"

I waved leaving his class scolding Smoky. He sat on my wrist listening to me tell him over and over what he did was wrong. He dropped his head looking at me with baby eyes.

"Please don't steal his stuff again Smoky or any Professor please"

He chirps walking up to my shoulder rubbing his head on my face. I took it as an okay taking him to the Great Hall to eat since it's been a long time since I took him here to eat with me.

I sat in the corner feeling happy feeding Smoky small bits of food. I smiled at Smoky eating my food and finishing up with any dessert we had.

The next day I thought about what Professor Lupin told me. Think of something happy it's a long shot but worth the experience. Then again I'll have to wait until he's "better" so he can watch me in case I go...BLAH!

For some reason, I have some suspicions on Professor Lupin being "sick". I don't know why but him being sick isn't normal in this school. Usually, when a person isn't feeling well they go to Madam Pomfrey and bam they're all better, so why hasn't he done that?

I just shrugged it off considering it isn't my business but as my curiosity goes it'll come back around soon. For now, I'll just focus on my studies, remember to play a song on the full moon this Thursday, and regain my position on Friday for Seeker.

Smoky has stopped his stealing phase going back to his normal self. Classes have been okay and thanks to Malfoy Care for Magical Creatures with Hagrid have been cut short and moved to be an inside class course. I was really looking forward to seeing a dragon Hagrid promised us we'll see last year. I guess I'll just keep dreaming for the day to come.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about tryouts. I mean if I didn't get the position back I'll still be a beater but Malfoy knows a few tricks of mine that'll probably keep him in that spot. Course I didn't show him all of my tricks maybe a quarter of what my dad taught me but they were the good ones that defend you.

All I have left are the slick tricks that have a 50% chance of beating defense tricks. I'll just have to hope Malfoy will be blind to my slick tricks for now.

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