Chapter 3

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I followed behind Ahuva carrying my books and other essentials as he continues to read the list."I believe that is all (Y/n)"

"Finally I can't wait to cuddle my baby bird"

"Oh quickly hand me your items Malfoy is heading this way!!"

Ahuva grabbed my books groaning at how heavy they are, "At least let me hold the monster book" he nods handing me the book just as he did a hand swiped the book away from my reach. I turned to the person internally screaming as Malfoy smirking down at me.

"(Y/n) my love how wonderful it is to see you here"

"Hello Malfoy"

"Please Draco is fine"

"I'll think about it, can I have my book back?"

I stuck out my hand waiting for him to hand it back but what did I expect from him. "Or..."


"Or you can come over to my place for some tea and you can pick up your book there"

I raised an eyebrow crossing my arms Ahuva grabbed my pants tugging at them for my attention. "My lady your parents are expecting you home around this time"

"Oh right fine I'll ask them if I can go over to pick up my book from your place, Draco"

"Wonderful also dress nicely my parents will be home"

Draco turned taking my book walking off to perhaps look for his father. I grabbed my books back from Ahuva as he sighed in content that the heavy books were taken away. "Now then let's go home"


"So let me get this straight Draco took your book and he'll only return it if you go over to his place for some tea?"

I nod at my Mum's words she scoffed cutting some fruits for Mark. I grabbed an apple biting into it about to say something but Mum beat me to it.

"You know that's how your father and I started our relationship, he would take my stuff just to get my attention...aside from the constant flirts, of course"

"So what you're saying is Draco's doing this because he wants my attention? Mum, he's always looking for attention at school I'm not falling for it"

"Well, either way, go get your book so you can leave on time for the Leaky Cauldron"

I got up going up to my room looking around for anything presentable. I grabbed a regular shirt and skirt along with a sweater to cover up my arms.

Mark runs up to me with the mutt following behind him asking where I was going, "I'm going to beat up a mean boy for taking my book I'll be right back okay? And keep that mutt under control"

Mark nods calling the mutt to follow, it does running behind him down the stairway. I sigh thinking over what I'm actually doing with my life.

I say goodbye to my parents getting into the carriage and off I went to Draco's home. I watched the scenery change from bright green hills to dull corners.

It wasn't long before I finally got off thanking the house-elf for taking me here, he nods walking off back home. I walk up the grey steps waving hello to the house-elves tending to the gardens. They smiled waving back but quickly changed as Draco's father burst through the door.

"(Y/n)! How wonderful it is to see you here, come in Draco's been waiting for you"


He nods placing his hand on my shoulder guiding me to the backyard, a small table sat under a tree with fruits and a little teapot. Draco stood under the tree smiling at me with my book sitting on a chair.

Draco's dad walks away leaving me to walk up to Draco. He had a huge smile on his face offering me his hand. "I see you dressed nicely, Draco"

"Well one must look good when they're trying to attract someone"

I laughed grabbing his hand he kissed the back of it sitting me down across from him not before removing my book from the chair, "We're 13 Draco the only thing you should be attracting is awkward puberty moments"

"Actually I have, do you not see the giant red pimple on my head?"

I stared at Draco's head and there it was the red bump of the century I laughed clenching my stomach as he threw me a small berry, "I don't see why you're laughing you have one too right on that button nose of yours"


I hate to say it but I had fun hanging out with Draco. He's grown physically and maybe just a bit mentally. It was time for me to start heading home and Draco offered to take me home with his parent's permission of course.

They said it was okay and to take the carriage with the alicorns"I didn't say it earlier but you've grown taller Draco"

He chuckles opening the door for me I step in watching Draco jump in calling the house-elf to move, "You've grown as well--"

"Vertically or horizontally?"

"Uh... Does it matter?"

"Only if you want to keep your arms"

"Vertically... So I was wondering if maybe you'd like to share a compartment with me on the way to school?"

I hummed thinking about it what's the worse that can happen. I nod getting an excited reaction from Draco. He goes on about how much we're going to have a grand time and such. "Well that's if we make it at the same time"

"If not then I'll be most likely in the far front"

"Alright here's my stop till we see each other again at the train, Draco"


I pack all my stuff in dragging everything downstairs. My parents and Mark stood at the bottom watching me step down. Dad came up to me pulling me into a literal breathtaking hug.

"Now what do you do when someone is trying to kidnap you?"

"Not use magic unless it's life-threatening other than that beat them to a pulp"

"I've taught you well"

Mum shook her head handing Mark to Dad looking me dead in the eyes, "Make sure you go to your classes on time and write to us please you gave us quite the scare last year"

I nod looking past Mum to Mark he was holding Smoky petting his head. I whistle to Smoky getting his attention he fluttered to my head nestling in my semi messy hair.

"Mark do you have anything to say to (Y/n) before she heads out to school?"

"I wuv you"

'My heart!!!'

"I wuv you too"

Harry Potter Various x Reader {Year 3}Where stories live. Discover now