Chapter 17

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What a day today was but you know what? At least it ended with me getting my Seeker spot back. Word really does travel fast here in Hogwarts as soon as it was dinner time everyone in the Slytherin table congratulated me for getting my spot back.

I sat by Flint because well I agreed to eat with him this morning. My plate was halfway finished and dinner was coming close to an end. I noticed Professor Lupin wasn't at the teacher's table at all throughout dinner and that made me more curious than I should be.

"Something wrong?"

Flint taps my shoulder catching me in the middle of my thought process, I turn over to him trying to reboot myself, "Huh? Oh! No, I'm fine... Um did you by any chance see Professor Lupin today?"

Flint shakes his head stuffing his face with mashed potatoes then speaking again after swallowing, "Actually he wasn't here today at all. Professor Snape substituted for him today for our year"

I hummed finishing up my meal and excusing myself I figured I shouldn't pay too much mind to this, I really shouldn't with everything that's already happening in my life. I went to the library to check out a book Hermione suggested I should read, just to pass time. Madam Pince saw me enter the library handing me a shelf marker.

Apparently, they came up with this new rule that you must take a shelf marker, which is just a large bookmark with a number at the end, so Madam Pince doesn't have to reorganize the thousands of books she usually gets each day.

In the end, I couldn't find the book Hermione suggested but I did come across one book that seemed particularly out of place.

"A Life Behind The fate is testing my curiosity"

I decided to check it out because why not, not like I have anything better to do except play to a werewolf might as well see what my hairless friend goes through every full moon. I walked up to Madam Pince handing her the book, she writes down a due date and handed it back.

"It's due next month on the 5th, have a good day"

"Thank you"

I exit out of the library already getting started on the reading. And might I'd say it's rather interesting, this man named Frank Lloyd Wright described how he feels each full moon. Its literature form is like a diary rather than a normal book.

"(Y/n)! Just the girl we were looking for"

I looked up from my book seeing the twins run up to me with mischievous smirks. I raised an eyebrow wondering what they're thinking, "Yes? Can I help you?"

"That you can, love. See here we know you have a mighty way for brewing potions and was wondering if you can write us a silencing potion"

"Finally shutting up I see can't say I haven't waited for this day"

"Now love that's no way to speak to your potential future lovers"

Fred and George smirked most likely seeing the flustered reaction from their words. 

'These idiots I swear'

I calmed myself down looking between them, "This is for a prank isn't it? For who?"

"Come now love that's secret"

Fred whispers hunching down to my height. I hummed continuing my walk I ignored their calls as we reached the Slytherin doors, "Okay fine! It's for this Ravenclaw boy. He's been talking crap about you and your friends all week--"

"--We didn't want to tell you because we knew you'd get mad"

I turned to the boys sighing cause they're right. Whoever this Ravenclaw guy I would've "Politely" showed him my thoughts on his. "Do you have parchment paper and a quill?"

They smiled widely waste no time digging through Fred's bag throwing out small items I'm assuming were tools for pranks. George hands me the quill and parchment paper, I write down the ingredients and instructions just so it doesn't explode on them.

"Here make sure the ingredient is gone before mixing the next ingredient and only put one drop into whatever you're going to put it in, that'll be enough for an hour"

"Thanks love!"

They kissed my cheeks on each side running off to who knows where. I just shook my head smiling at the two disappearing around a corner. I whispered the password slipping in and upstairs to the dorm.

My roommates turned to me each saying hi. "You doing alright there, (Y/n)?"

"Yeah? Why do you ask?"

"You're more flustered than normal"

I touched my cheeks they were warm to the touch thinking of the twins. I just laughed it off telling them I ran to the dorms before Flich could catch me, "Makes sense that man is creepy on so many levels"


Midnight finally came around and my roommates were knocked out snoring loudly. I slowly sit up from my bed putting on my slippers I kneel down sticking my arm under my bed feeling around for the familiar case.

Once grabbing a hold of the handle I pull it out getting excited for tonight. I tiptoed out of the room with my violin case close to my chest closing the door behind me. Without wasting time I run down to the common room.

No one was outside of their rooms so that's good, easier to get out. I exit out not before checking the hallway for Flich and his cat roaming the area.

'They must be in the other side of the school by now'

I step out closing the door and out of the school. Sometimes I wished there was an easier way to leave without being caught. Well, there is the invisibility cloak that I can borrow from Harry, but I'd much rather not get him involved.

I reached the Whomping Willow breathing in the fresh nightly air. Something about the air at night is different from the daytime air. The Whomping Willow swayed dropping a few leaves on my head. I pat the trunk getting a groan in return.

I waited for a few minutes for my "audience" and he came. The werewolf strode up to me tackling me to the ground. He licked my cheek nuzzling my face, "Alright I get it you missed me now get off"

I shoved him off laughing at him, he seemed more playful tonight must have had something good happen to him before we met again. He barked sniffing the air walking up to the Whomping Willow.

Before I knew it, he disappeared. My eyes widen walking up to where he was and hidden behind the tall grass was a tunnel, wide enough for a grown person to crawl in. I debated on going in weighing my options in following this creature, the werewolf pops his head out barking at me, "I swear if I go in here and you eat me I'll come back as a ghost and haunt you"

I crawled in with my violin in one hand and my wand in the other casting a Lumos charm. He stood on all four leading me further in the tunnel. The tunnel soon changed from dirt walls to wooden making me wonder where we were.

At the end of the now hallway was a broken door. The werewolf runs in barking and that's when I heard another bark that sounded all too familiar.

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