Chapter 10

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Oh, what were the chances of Malfoy getting attacked by a Hippogriff? I'd say a good 99% this dumbass waltz right up to Buckbeak not even thinking of the consequences.

But that's Malfoy for you. He doesn't think he just does things on his own mind. It's been a week since we've arrived and I'm going, to be honest, I haven't been attending the hour class I was assigned. But I have been going to Professor Lupin's actual class hours.

I received a Howler this morning and let's just say I'll never misbehave again. I went to class by myself cause I forgot something in the common books. I was just a few seconds late but that still annoyed Professor Lupin.

"Ah (Y/n) I see you decided to join us how about you give us a guess on what's inside this closet?"

"That depends how serious do you want me to be?"


"Okay, I'm guessing.....a Boggart? Perhaps?"

"Correct. Late but still keeping up with your studies, see me after class now can someone tell me what a boggart looks like?" I dropped off my stuff with everyone elses going up to the front with Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

"No one knows Boggarts are shape-shifters they take the shape of whatever a person fears the most"

"Thank you, Hermione, now luckily a simple charm exists to repel a boggart let's practice it now without wands, please. After me, Riddikulus"


"Very good little louder and very clear. Listen Riddikulus"


Professor Lupin says the easy part is done explaining about a Boggarts weakness which is laughter he chooses a random student sadly that random student was Neville. He asked him what he fears the most and he pretty much spoke for a lot of people that he's afraid of Professor Snape.

"Professor Snape yes frightens all and I believe you live with your grandmother--"

"I don't want that Boggart to turn into her either"

I laughed quietly next to Harry watching this whole thing play out Professor Lupin whispered something into his ear and stepped back. "Yeah think you can do that? Right! Wand at the ready"

He counts down opening that door the Boggart steps out looking exactly like Professor Snape. Neville choked for a bit but pulled through casting the spell the boggart now worn a funny looking bird hat with a red handbag wearing the most peculiar outdated outfit.

We all laughed at the scene Professor Lupin chuckled sending Neville to the back as we all form a line.

"Now I want you to think of something you fear the most and make it into something funny"

He turned on the player playing some energetic happy music, we all felt excited as one after another went up. I stood in front of Harry as he whispered to my ear what I was most afraid of.

"I don't know it varies from the Dark Lord kidnapping me again or transforming"

It was finally my turn the boggart transformed into me but what was weird was that I looked normal?

"Uh....what's going on?"

She just stood there looking around oblivious of the staring eyes. That's when I realized what was about to happen. It was a horrible memory replay where I got taken and cast into a bubble. I watched myself get drowned by the black liquid.

It was quiet for a bit until someone yelled to hurry up. "What you're scared of bubbles (L/n)?"

A random student laughed getting some to chuckle along that's when it started.  White circles appeared from the bubble getting people to shut up. Harry pushed my shoulder getting my attention. "Do it before she comes out"


The bubble pops transforming me back to normal with a funny hat. I smiled at myself with the hat as she just smiled laughing. I went off to the side watching Harry go next the Boggart turned into a dementor. Harry seemed to have paused Professor Lupin jumped in from of him.

The Boggart changed to a full moon I looked at Professor Lupin as he casts the spell turning it into a balloon. It deflates going back in the closet. "Right sorry about that. That's enough for today collect your books from the back that's the end of the lesson"

I grabbed my bag ready to make a run for it but was paralyzed. "Miss (L/n) where are you going?"

"Uh, fresh air?"


I watched everyone leave some saying bye to me and the Professor, while others laughed at the scene. Once everyone left Professor Lupin freed me standing right in front of me.

"You're assigned to have an hour lesson with me yet you haven't come for the whole week, why?"

"It's because I don't need it I understand the lectures if anything Harry and Ron need it the most"

He shook his head walking off to his desk pulling a random chair right across. He motions to the chair sitting down in his.

I huffed going to the chair sitting down. He folded his arms mocking my pout, "I should give you detention and extend your hours but you're a good student so I won't do that instead I'll pretend this didn't happen and we'll start where we would be. Come"

I raised an eyebrow picking up my bag following behind him. He exits the class locking it, "Um aren't we going to wait for the other students?"

"Others? No, it's just you taking this"


"I beg your pardon?"

"S-Sorry just now I feel like a crappy person, you waited for an hour for me"

He chuckles patting my back leading the way out of the castle. "It's okay I've been through worse"

"I believe that you got that awesome scar across your face must have battled a dangerous creature"

He smiled touching his face saying sure we stopped at the Black lake. I looked up at the Professor confused he smiled taking off his cloak rolling up his sleeves.

"Why are we here?"

"Well if you were attending your hour class you would've brought a swimsuit we or should I say you are going to catch Grindylow"

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