Chapter 23

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"(Y/n) do you have extra parchment paper?"

"Yeah I have some in my bag"

I look through my bag taking out a few sheets handing them to Hermione. She thanks me starting to write in the next paper. I look down at my notes wondering about today, "So...anyone comfortable with this whole Sirius Black dilemma growing worse each day?"

The three stayed quiet, pausing, and continued to write down their notes. I sighed leaning my head on my palm doing the same. This is officially the worst year and yet I feel like it's only the beginning. I closed my books stuffing them in my bag, "Where are you going?"

"Just outside...I need some air"

Harry nods as I left saying bye to them. My uniform swayed side to side as I marched outside ignoring any chances of me stopping. I stopped at the exit of the castle nodding at my thoughts to the forbidden forest, yeah probably the dumbest thing I can do but it's also the only place no one can disturb me.

I walked past Hagrid's home catching sight of Fang peaking out of the window barking. I smiled waving at the dog walking further into the forest. I strapped my bag picking up a stray stick tapping everything in front of me.

I hummed a little tune following the path Hagrid made. A few Bowtruckles jumped out trailing behind chanting behind me. I smiled picking one up, almost forgetting every bad thing that's happened in my life.

"(Y/n)? What are you doing out here? It's dangerous being here in the forest alone"

The Bowtruckles jumped running away back into the trees leaving me behind with Professor Lupin who just happened to pop out of nowhere, "Well I'm not alone anymore, Professor...I was just coming here to clear my head"

"Sorry to disturb your thoughts then mind sharing them?"

I snapped the stick in half turning to the lanky Professor. My mouth opened but nothing came out, "... Or perhaps you would rather keep it to yourself, yes?"

I nod dropping the sticks turning back around walking off. I figured he'd take the memo that I wanted to be alone but here he is following behind me. I ignored his footsteps finally ending up at the black lake.

Sometimes it's good to just stop and take in the view of the world. Even if it's ugly to the eye there's always some form of beauty in it. Professor Lupin stood next to me stuffing his hands in his pockets not saying a word.

I take off my bag sitting down on the rocks listening to the calm water smack into the rocks just a few feet from where we were. "Do you remember that day you came into my office asking for some advice about your curse?"

He sits down crossing his legs over each other picking up a rock. I nod turning to him, he smiled taking out a sheet of paper that seemed to have seen better days, "I went off to the ministry library and I found some interesting notes about your curse. Turns out there's a chance of controlling it that is if it's not too late"

I grab the parchment paper reading the small notes finding it rather difficult to read. I almost laughed at how similar the messy writing looks to mines when I'm speed writing Professor Snape's lessons, "Controlling... I just want to get rid of it. What good will it do for me in the future... It's like I'm no better than a Werewolf's chance in life in this world"

I hand it back wrapping my arms under my thighs laying my head on my knees. I felt a hand land on my head scratching it softly, "No comment there"

Of course he doesn't.

I sighed about to apologize for my attitude but he cuts me off before I had the chance, "As your Professor, I'm obligated to ensure your safety. So I've constructed a plan to help you control it, even IF you finding it no better than a Werewolf"

He stands up offering me his hand without a thought I grabbed it standing up wondering how this plan is going to turn out. He scans through the paper nodding and smiled at me, "Now then let's begin. What angers you to no end?"

"Huh? Well I guess it'd have to be Draco degrading my friends, People judging me because I'm in Slytherin, Peeves stealing my socks--"

"T-That's more than enough let's try the first one, yeah? Now think of it and balance it with something positive"

Eeehhh... Well can't hurt to try, right? I took a deep breath thinking hard. I felt the veins crack out my eye sight becoming foggy as I held on. Dropping to my knees it felt like my head was about to burst from the thumping it caused.

"(Y/n) it'll be alright! I'm right here"

I felt my body being picked up and embraced tightly as I twitched harshly. I forced myself to think positive I felt the crystal shake looming around the both of us letting out a bright light.

My body stopped shaking as I took deep breaths thinking that it's over. That was until I felt a weird tingling in my mouth, a sharp strike went through my jaw making me scream clenching my mouth. I smack my head on the leaf-covered floor, not even seconds in I felt a warm liquid leak out pulling away.

I tremble at the sight of the red liquid tainting my hands screaming more, Professor Lupin was also screaming at the sight not helping the situation, "What's happening?!"

"How am I supposed to know!"

"You're the one who told me to do this! How do you not know?!"

"It didn't say bleeding in the scroll!!"


I took heavy breathes noticing something, I touch my teeth feeling small double fangs. I gasped showing Professor Lupin's eyes widen at the change poking at them. I smacked his hands away as they felt sensitive grazing my finger at them. I sighed to myself wondering if I'm some type of vampire now... Hopefully not. I look up at Professor Lupin seeing the stress all over his face.

"So... What now? I did what you asked and this happened"

I motioned to my mouth slightly covered in blood, he mumbles for a bit walking back and forth. It was a bit uncomfortable but I managed to close my mouth, I look down at the leaves finding my old teeth showing it to him, "Hey check it out, my teeth"

"This wasn't the outcome I was imagining when I read the scrolls. How the heck is this even real? This makes absolutely no sense to me and it's driving me crazy"

"Well... At least I'm not hurting anybody"

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