Chapter 6

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"Right well I'll be off now"

"Wait what? Where are you going?"

"She's going to hang out with Malfoy"

Hermione's and Ron's jaws dropped not believing what they were hearing. They argued about me not going and that it's not a good idea with my condition yada yada yada.

"Guys I'm fine it's not like he's going to find a way to piss me off in 0.01 seconds"

"But its Malfoy (Y/n)--"

I cut Ron off saying no I handed Harry Smoky cause well he still hates Draco for being himself you know. Smoky screeches the moment I handed him to Harry he fluttered around landing on the Professor's head.

Our breaths hitched not knowing what to do, "Smoky come here"

He hoots fluffing up and falling back asleep. This bird is going to get me in trouble before I even make it back to school. I slowly step out trying to not get caught but Hermione saw me and I quickly ran for it.

I ran to the front of the train like Draco said he would but instead, I ran into Fred and George yelling at someone. And yet you guessed it, it was Draco and his friends they were yelling at.

"Ah (Y/n) can you tell this grease ball that he can't stay here," George says glaring down at Draco. Fred pushes me in pointing at them

"Why? Do you guys normally sit here?"

"Yes and this section is for 5th year's only"

Fred and George said at the same time at this point I've caught on in their duo thing. When they're serious they speak at the same time. When one is sad the other is as well. When the other is planning to cause havoc the other makes it a double.

Draco rolls his eyes patting the spot next to him."Come on love ignore these blood traitors and come sit with us"

"I'm sorry what blood traitors? Draco I'd be careful what you'd say around this one"

The guys were right I felt a small pit of anger boiling up in my stomach but I calmed down asking him to move. He refused and began calling them more horrible names.

"Uh (Y/n) have uh"

Fred and George pointed at my face I touched the corners of my eyes and there they were again. The ghastly black veins that crack out as a warning.

George hugs me trying to calm me down but that wasn't helping my head kept repeating the hateful comments Draco was saying even his friends joined in with a laugh.

Fred says something but stopped when the train abruptly paused and the lights shutting off. I felt someone pull me away to a broad chest I looked up to see Draco scared-looking around. The windows began to ice up freezing up the compartment. We waited for a few minutes for something to happen.

The train began to sway violently and stopped as soon as it did."What's happening?"

No one gave me an answer a weird groaning sound came from outside. Fred closed the door breathing heavily at this point it was so cold in the train we were able to see our breaths. We watched carefully as a floating person came to our door looking around.

It turned to our door slowly opening it revealing a dementor. The presence of this foul creature was so unpleasant that I'm sure we all felt scared and depressed.

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse Draco shoved me towards the Dementor screaming to leave him alone. The dementor looked down at me almost analyzing me. It's boney fingers caressed my face running over the black veins that were starting to pop up more. I felt tears roll down my face because I knew in a few minutes I'm going to either go mad and possibly kill Draco or this creature is going to knock me out.

I waited and the dementor dropped a crystal-like object on the ground and ran away due to a sudden light that came out of nowhere. I breathed out not knowing I was holding it in. I picked up the crystal trying to look at it but my anger began to pulse into my head causing a headache.

I quickly handed the crystal to one of the twins telling them to help me. They grabbed me holding me down telling me it'll pass like last time at the burrow.

"Malfoy I suggest you leave now before she gets you"

"What (Y/n)? what's she going to do punch me for pushing her at the dementor? Anyone would've done the same"

"Alright listen here you git were actually trying to save you from something bad and you're just--ah she bit me!"

"Fred George...RUN"

Harry's pov:

I sat up groaning, "What happened?"

"Here have some its chocolate"

The sleeping man or well professor Lupin handed me a piece of chocolate. I felt so weak trying to sit up I took deep breaths asking what that thing was.

"It was a Dementor one of the guards of Azkaban. It's gone now it was searching in the train for Sirius Black. Now if you excuse me I-"


We all looked at each other confused through the opened door we see Malfoy run past us with tears in his eyes letting out some girlish. Not even seconds later we see (Y/n) chasing behind him along with Fred and George following behind her.

"Is that normal?"

We nodded watching Malfoy run back he noticed us pointing at (Y/n). "Sorry, Malfoy but whatever you did must be worth getting beaten up-"

"Wait a minute (Y/n) can't control her anger right now"

Hermione says we completely forgot about her condition. Malfoy starts to run again but (Y/n) came back tackling him to the ground beating the living soul out of him, "ooo that was nice tackle but what were you saying about not in control?"

Professor Lupin asked confused we got up going to grab (Y/n) but Malfoy started to run again which led to another chase. Fred and George came up to us sweating hard, "For a-for a bookworm she's sure is fast"

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