Chapter 1

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A Stray Dog

"(Y/n)! Can you take Mark to the backyard?"


Standing up from my chair in the kitchen I grab the running child's hand and straight to the backyard. Summer has been an interesting one, recently Mum has been getting a lot of letters from someone she went to Hogwarts with.

She didn't say enough details of who it was but she seemed excited and worried at the same time. She asked me about our last DADA Professor in which I told her he quit.

Not that she didn't know exactly what happened to him, let's just say he's somewhere out there asking tons of questions.

But enough of that blonde idiot we were told about yet you guessed it another DADA Professor. Dad has gathered information for me saying that he'll be better than the last. Hopefully. I'd rather not get my hopes up after seeing that last two for all I know he can be a crazy man.

I watched Mark run towards the large tree with an attached swing we stuck on a couple of years ago. "Swing! Swing!"

He chanted raising his arms towards me all while running back and forth. I gave a small chuckle lifting him up and slipping in his small feet. Securing the buckle I walk around him pulling back and letting go. Mark raises his arms giggling as he came back being pushed forward again.

"Higher! Higher!"

And that's what I did I pushed harder stepping back a bit watching him enjoy the height he was getting. Being so focused on Mark I almost didn't hear the distant growling in the bushes. I turned to the sound pulling out my wand. Now I know I'm not allowed to use magic outside of school, yet, but what would you do in a situation like this?

A black dog strides out lowering its head. It growled at me slowly getting closer," It's just a dog" I unbuckled Mark from the swing as I kept my eyes on the suspicious dog. Mark notices the dog screaming, "Puppy!" he jumps off the swing running at the barking dog.

"Mark wai---... Um"

Mark tackles the dog cuddling or more like choking the animal on the grass. The dog whimpers trying to get away but knowing Mark whatever he sees and likes he won't let it go. Typical kid behavior.

"Mark you're going to choke the dog"

"No! Good puppy!"

I sigh going up to Mark prying his surprisingly strong little arms away from the dog's neck and placed him on my side hip. "You shouldn't do that... What if that dog was dangerous?"

"B-But puppy... Not bad... Puppy wants to play"

I exhaled watching the poor dog breathe dramatically. "Can we keep puppy?"

"Let's ask Mum first"

He nods pointing in the direction to our back door smiling brightly. I began to walk when I heard padding behind me. I presumed it was the dog because then Mark began to coo at it while I walked.

I reached the door about to open it but stopped turning around glancing at the dog. 'It can be rabid now that I think about it, then again it should know its place now after the whole choking event with Mark'

I placed Mark down pushing him in and closing the door, "Let puppy in!"

"No, it has mud on its paws Mark and the house elves won't like that"

Just then the dog began to wipe its paws on the ground removing any mud on its paws, "Desperate mutt". Making sure the mud was gone and that it isn't rabid I let the dog in.

It's honestly quite funny what was a raging growling dog instantly turned into a playful house dog. And now that I look at it more it looked like it had a rough journey before it got to us.

Mark runs around in circles whilst the dog following behind barking loudly. I sigh already knowing Mark will be fine if I leave him alone so that's what I did. I went off to the kitchen finding Smoky on top of the fridge inside the owl bits box with his little tail sticking out from the top.

"Oh! Busted! What do you think you're doing?"

The little bird jumps out surprised that I caught him. I shake my head calling him over, Smoky perches on my shoulder cooing quietly, "We will talk about this later now where's Mum?"

Smoky hoots while flying off to the living room I follow behind passing by Mark as he playing peek-a-boo with the dog's ears. Smoky led me to my parent's room that was surprisingly closed.

That's weird they usually have the door open during the day. I knocked getting a response from my dad, "Who is it?"

"It's me, dad, we have a small problem"

Dad opened the door still in his pj's sniffling and blowing into a napkin. "Oh, what is it now?" he wearily spoke I motioned him to follow me and led him to the living room where Mark and the mutt are.

"Please tell me that's not Mark standing on his wagon with my towel wrapped around his neck with a dog pulling the whole thing"

"Uh... No?"

"Where's your mum?"

I shrugged telling him that I last saw her in the kitchen. He sighed going downstairs to my brother picking him up then turning to the dog, "Either I'm really sick or this dog looks oddly familiar"

The dog lowers its ears walking backwards I walked up to dad raising my eyebrow, "You had a dog?"

"No, but he did live up to the title of "Mans best friend" "

I stared at the dirty dog as it looked between us. Mark squirmed in my dad's arms wanting to be put down. Dad sighed putting him down watching Mark rush to the dog happily.

"Puppy stay?"

"You'll have to ask your mum I may be the man of the house but she wears the pants in this relationship"

"... So wouldn't mum be the man of the house then?"

"No, I'm the man of the house because she lets me"

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