Chapter 20

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Knocking on the wooden door I waited to hear a 'Come in' but nothing came out. I knocked again waiting but as before nothing. I pulled the door, unfortunately, it was locked or I mean that's good because then students can't go in if the Professor is out. 

I turned around trying to think of where he could be,"(Y/n)? What are you doing up here child?"

Professor McGonagall startled me walking up to me her cloak floating behind her as she stopped curling her fingers together, "Hello Professor I'm just running an errand for Professor Snape. He told me to give Professor Lupin this note but it seems he's not in his class"

Then Professor McGonagall told me some interestingly shocking news. Professor Lupin was in the Hospital Wing after getting attacked last night by some creature from the Forbidden Forest. Interesting. I thanked her making my way to the Hospital Wing and here comes the curious thoughts. Last night I was outside for a good 2 hours and I didn't see any creatures sneak into the castle other than myself. It either happened when I was with Percy or my suspicions are possibly adding to a degree.

I got to the Hospital Wing greeting Madam Pomfrey. She raised an eyebrow asking why I was here," I'm here to visit to Professor Lupin, Professor McGonagall told me he was attacked last night?"

Her eyes widen but calmed down as soon as it happened. She nods telling me to follow her, I take out the note ready to hand it to him, and perhaps ask a few questions, "Professor, you have a visitor"

"Visitor? Is it Dumbledore again?"

I step out from behind Madam Pomfrey waving at the tired-looking teacher on the bed. He looked extra tired and a little scratched up, he had a fresh cut on his chin that did not go unnoticed. His smile dropped once he saw me,"Oh (Y/n)? how may I owe the pleasure of seeing you today?"

"Professor Snape asked me to give you this note... and I was wondering if it's true?"

I hand him the note taking a seat by the bed he sits up holding the note asking, "What is?"

Madam Pomfrey left pulling the divider leaving us alone, "Rumor has it you were attacked last night? I was just wondering what creature it was if you remember that is"

"Curious one aren't you? It was an Acromantula that got me last night,  dangerous creatures aren't they?"

"An Acromantula? Well that's odd but this is Hogwarts and anything could happen. Funny last year Hagrid told us the Acromantula's are afraid to come near the school because Aragog, that's his spider friend by the way, he forbids them from doing so."

That's a lie Hagrid never told us anything like that but Professor Lupin doesn't know that. He stutters on his words messing around with the note. "I'll visit Hagrid to tell him about the Acromantula attack. He'll do something about it so next time this doesn't happen"

"No no, it's fine I dealt with the little bugger well I'm sure it won't come back no need to tell Hagrid"

I stand up tapping my bottom lip, Professor Lupin sits up more waving his hand around about me not going to Hagrid," Mmm... 'ight whatever you say Professor...oh and one more thing if you're going to lie about your late-night doings, whatever you were doing last night, you'd want to make sure this creature is still around our school. Good day professor feel better"

I left before he could tell me anything heading out to the Great Hall. I looked around the large room mostly the Gryffindor table. It was almost lunchtime so that's always a good thing,"(Y/n)! Over here!" Hermione calls me over just like this morning patting the seat next to her, "Did you guys even move?"

"No, we waited for Ron here but we didn't think he would sleep in for so long"

Hermione says with a bit of annoyance turning to me, "Anyways what were you going to tell us before going off to Professor Snape's class?" Harry and Ron lean in curious about my last night actions," Um well I was hoping to just tell Hermione because she's a girl and I feel like it would be weird around you two especially Ron"

"It better not be a crush (Y/n) we don't do gushy emotions"

Ron stuffs his face rolling his eye Hermione throws her spoon at him nodding at me. We left the Great hall walking off the Black Lake just so no one follows us, "So...what's up?"

"Last night I had my first kiss-"

"What?! With who?!"

"Percy, he forced himself onto me last night saying the most ill logical comments about other boys liking me and that taking away my first kiss would make him better than the other boys...that's why I didn't want to say this in front of Ron" 

"(Y/n) you have to tell a Professor about this, this is wrong you can't just let this slide. What if he does something worse next time?"

"I can't tell a Professor about this what exactly am I going to say? "Hey Professor Percy Weasley forced himself onto me last night after hours" Hermione he knows about me going out every full moon he could deny the action and rat me out" 

Hermione groaned walking back and forth mumbling to herself," If he knows then that means he'll be waiting for you next full moon when you go back in...Maybe you can ask Harry for the cloak for now maybe then he'll think you stopped and not come after you"

I sighed not knowing about this idea it's already bad enough my friends know about this the last thing I want is to drag them in but it's the only option I have right now. I nod feeling tears run down my face, Hermione hugs me rubbing my back, "It's okay... we'll think of something else in the meantime do you have a crush on anyone?"

I laughed at her comment thinking about it well there is one person that seems interesting. I wipe away the tears linking my arm with her calming myself down, "Maybe he's a rather interesting person, always getting into unfortunate situations"

"Harry? You fancy Harry Potter?!"

"Ew no, he's my best friend aside from you and Ron. No, it's not him...its Neville"

"Longbottom? Really? Out of all people to fancy, him?"

"Hey I said interesting, not fancy but yeah"

Hermione tilts her head nodding at my words we got back to the Great Hall finding the boy's still there eating away, "So how'd it go?" Harry asks taking away his pudding from Ron's reaching fingers, "It was okay and (Y/n) fancies Neville Longbottom"


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