Chapter 15

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I finished up my classes going off to hang out with Smoky and my friends or well two out of the three. That being because of Gryffindor having their tryouts today luckily I didn't have to go to Professor Lupins' hour class today so I'm taking in the free day even though I only had him for 2 days.

I sat next to Hermione petting Smoky Harry was defending his place as Seeker since someone mentioned being better than him. Yeah right! Who else can unpurposefully hurt themselves like Harry? And I mean he's pretty good too I guess.

I wore Harry's scarf to show support because Ron and Hermione didn't have a spare and well Harry doesn't really need his scarf right now. I clenched my jacket close to my back shivering in the cold air. The seasons are starting to change the days are still hot but at night it's almost freezing.

I watched Harry race the person around catching the Snitch before the new person could and he kept his spot as Seeker. I cheered catching Harry's attention. I waved giving him a thumbs up.

He waves getting patted down by the twins. They point at me giving Harry a thumbs up. I arched an eyebrow looking at Hermione and Ron they shrugged watching Harry fly up to us.

"Hey, Harry what's wrong?"

"Nothing just the twins being themselves"

The twins are a lot of things so I just let it go turning to Ron, "Hey Ron? I thought you said you were going to try out this year?"

"Yeah but then I got scared of the captain"

I laughed clenching my stomach it makes sense Wood takes Quidditch serious honestly I don't think there's anyone who's as in love with it as he is. I pat Ron's back telling him there's next year. "So there's news going around you're going to try out as Seeker again?"

"Yeah being a Beater was fun but I prefer the Seeker position also how'd you get this info?"

Hermione smiles saying Malfoy has been looking dreadful all day. Apparently, Flint told the older teammates about the tryouts and Malfoy just happened to walk in on them talking about it.

Word got out and soon everyone knew, it's Hogwarts once someone has a secret it won't be a secret for long. I sighed watching Smoky fly away to the tents on the field messing around with the twins."You'll get your spot back so don't look too nervous, when is it?"

I looked at Harry saying it was this Friday. He hums getting on his broom he gives me his hand telling me to get on. I got on taking me down to the tents calling for Wood.

Harry went inside going to the boy's side of the tent telling me to wait there, "Wasn't planning on following you in there anyways"

Harry went in leaving me with the others outside. "Hello (Y/n)!"

"Ah! Don't do that!"

The twins picked me up laughing at my scare I sat on their shoulders expecting them to put me down but they didn't, "What's a cute Slytherin such as yourself doing in the Gryffindor tent?"

"Not being a spy now are you?"

"No Harry brought me here to apparently meet Wood I don't know why"

They put me down thinking of reasons I turned around to them shaking my head at their silly reasons. Wood's a Quidditch lover so maybe he'll have some ideas to help me? Then again if I make it back to being Seeker it's a major problem for Gryffindor.

"Heard you needed assistance, lass?"

"I guess so--Oh Merlins beard Wood put a shirt on!"

I covered my eyes turning around I felt my face burn making the twins and Wood laugh. The image of Woods fit chest engraved in my head causing me to stumble on my words, "What's wrong lass you're not nervous are you?"

"No!...Maybe! Just put a shirt on!"

"There, now what is it you need assistance in?"

I peeked to make sure, he had his captains shirt on. I shrugged telling him everything I told my friends, "Well first of all this is something you should be talking to your captain about not the enemy, and second I have something that might help"

He goes to a locker taking out his bag he rampages the bag taking out a large book. He hands it to me not warning me about its weight. "Quidditch of the Legends?"

"It's not much but there are some moves you can memorize before your tryout"

I scan through the book with the twins each on my shoulder commenting about the book being great for practice. Well, that's just the thing I already know all the moves that were in the book my dads taught me them at a young age. I hand it back feeling hopeless until an idea popped in.

"My dad...Merlin why didn't I think of this before?! Thank you, Wood for the book but I have an idea to beat Malfoy. Watch out! That seeker spot is good as mine!"

I race back to the dorms Smoky flies next to me screeching at people ahead. I crash into a few people some being my teammates, "Why in a rush (L/n)?!"

"You're getting your seeker back!"


I run down the steps to the dungeons bumping into the person I didn't want to run into, "Shoot! Sorry Professor!"

I picked up Professor Snape about to run to the dorms but was stopped by a hand, "Where do you think you're going?"

"To the dorms I need-"

"I need to talk to you about your grade in my class (L/n)"

I winced at the thought usually I'm on top of my classes but lately, I dropped a grade harder than I thought for Potions and it's getting close to a worrisome mark.

"I must advise that if you continue this you'll have to drop Quidditch for the season"

I gasped telling him I couldn't drop it not now at least. I asked if there's any way to bring it up he suggested extra credit but that wasn't enough to bring it up. There was also another but no one likes them.

"If you would like to take the class then come to my office tomorrow after class"

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