Chapter 27

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Go Away!

A deep gasp of air entered my lungs waking up from my sudden sleep, my throat felt dry coughing out the dryness trapped within me. I took deep breathes looking around my surroundings, I didn't recognize my surroundings becoming anxious about where I could be. I kick off the blanket standing up from the bed instantly falling over, accidentally tipping over the items on the dresser. 

I pushed myself up after hearing the rapid footsteps coming into the room, the door threw open revealing Professor Lupin. I don't know why but seeing him at the doorway made me more nervous shuffling away from his nearing figure, I guess he noticed my nervousness whispering that I was okay. I pressed my lips together telling him to stay away, "I'm just... Going to check you, okay?"

I held my fists up to him not wanting to be touched, he cautiously showed his hands showing that there was nothing in them gently resting on my ankle. I hitched at the touch kicking him straight under his chin, it wasn't until he fell back groaning that I  realized what I just did. I gasped rushing over to his side apologizing over and over, "Professor Lupin! Are you okay?! Oh Lord I just attack a Teacher"

"Ugh... Am I bleeding?"

Professor Lupin held his chin showing it to me, I looked around sighing at the fortunate circumstance that he wasn't. I shook my head apologizing again for my actions, he let out a chuckle saying it was alright. That it isn't the first time he took a kick to the chin, I looked down at the wooden flooring still feeling guilty for attacking a Teacher. 

"Where... am I?"

"You're in my Office room, you seemed to have passed out in the hallway"

"Why didn't you just take me to the Hospital Wing?"

"I was going to but you shifted to a feral form and trashed my classroom, you practically took over my room and I left you to yourself because every time I tried to take you out you'd growl at me"

I frown at his words noticing the new scars on his face, I asked if I had caused the scars but he shook his head saying they were from something else. I sighed sniffling at what I've done, why must things be so difficult in my life? I stood up groaning at the sore muscles, "Easy. You haven't moved for three days"

"Three days?! W-Wait that means I missed the trains home! Dang it!"

I don't know what overcame me but I screamed slamming my fist on the dresser beside me breaking it into pieces. My eyes widen at the sudden strength pulling away from the furniture, "Whoa... "

I turn over to Professor Lupin just as shocked as I am, I couldn't handle the look he was giving me running out of the room. I ignore his calls running past the mess of his classroom I've caused throwing open the door. Just like everything that's been happening, I don't know where I was going but anywhere was better than where I am. 

I rushed out of the school running past a few students that decided to stay for the break, even Hermione and the boys were outside of the school surprised to see me. Hermione tried to get my attention but I felt a sudden pang to my chest shifting back from her calls, I skittered away paying no mind to the thumping pain in my legs as I ran faster away from everyone else. I couldn't be around them. I was too dangerous to be around and I don't want to be the reason my friends get hurt.

I huffed stopping right at the entrance of the Forbidden Forest thinking over my thoughts if I was sure of my actions. It wasn't until I heard my name being called by my friends and Professor Lupin that I dashed in trying to get away, their voices slowly died down the further I went slowing down near a glass-like lake. My lungs burned taking in the cold air wiping the sweat from my brows, a second goes by and that's when the tears came out. My vision became blinded by the waterworks trying to stop myself from breaking down, "Dang it, what's wrong with me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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