Chapter 18

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Minor warning it's going to get a little stressful at the end so heres the warning to those who are sensitive to attacks.


Not you again

I walked in the room finding the werewolf sniff noses with the mutt that was staying in our home earlier in the summer, "W-What the?! Why are you here? Did you follow me all the way here?!"

The dogs whines walking up to me nudging my PJ pants letting out a small bark. I groan walking around thinking of what to do with the mutt as I do I hear it's pattering feet behind me, "Okay I'll just write to my parents about you and hopefully come pick you up. I am not going to be taking care of you, you ugly walking shoe brush"

The mutt barks padding over to the werewolf sniffing his nose again. I glance around the room noticing how dusty and very old styled it is. I sat on the creaky bed taking it all in. The mutt walks up to me laying his head on my lap, "I can't tell if you're purposefully annoying me for attention or you're really this stupid"

The werewolf walked up to us getting comfortable on the bed next to me laying his head on my other lap. He whimpered nudging his head on my stomach, "I guess now is no better time to play you a song, no?"

He raised his head nodding growing at the mutt. The mutt jumped on the bed curling up against the Werewolf. I stood up unlocking my case taking out my violin thinking of a song I could play.

"Alright since we now have an unannounced guest I'll play you both a song"

I took a deep breath dragging my bow against the violin strings the beautiful notes it played out made me smile at the two enjoying it as much as I was.

They swayed to the notes falling asleep on the old bed. I finished the last few notes putting away the violin looking at the two. I rub both their heads quietly getting out of the room. I glanced at them for the last time leaving the room.

It's not every full moon you get to see a werewolf sleeping none the less cuddling a fuzzy dog. I exit out of the Whomping Willow getting smacked on the head by a branch, "Ow! Why!?"

The Whomping Willow groaned shaking off more leafs. For a tree that has no ability to talk it makes a lot of sassy noises. "I have a feeling you don't like being left out, I'm sorry next full moon I'll play out here"

I pat the trunk receiving a groan as usual. I quietly made my way back to the School without being caught and surprisingly no Percy monitoring the Halls.

Or well that's what I thought until I turned the last corner finding him leaning against the wall, "2:42a.m. a little late for our arranged hour don't you think?"

I waddled up to Percy laughing nervously looking up at him, "I was being extra careful with not getting caught Percy"

"It's 2 almost 3 in the morning all Professors and Students are asleep at this time"

"And yet here you are"

I tried to shimmy past Percy to the door but got blocked by his arm against the door. "Because I was waiting for you to return safely"

"Thank you for waiting I'll go inside now then Percy... Have a good night-"

I tried going around him but got blocked by his other arm. At this point I was against the door trapped between Percy's arms, "Actually I was thinking it's not safe for you to go out at night anymore"

"You've been saying that since my 1st year Percy... I'm fine"

He shakes his head leaning in I pressed myself against the wall tightly turning my head, "Um yeah so um Percy you're um a little close aren't you?"

He hummed pressing his nose against my cheek, "Perhaps I am... I just can't help it. You're just so adorable"

"I'm not... Adorable Percy. Please stop"

His cologne filled my nose making my heart beat faster than it already was. I felt his hand drop to my waist and the other turn me to face him. His eyes seemed darker than usual. He smiled leaning in his nose brushed against mines. "Percy... Stop"

"Don't tell me you don't feel the same, love. Just one... I want to know the taste of those plump lips I see everyday before a boy comes by and steals it from me"

"Percy please stop you're--MHH!!"

My first kiss...

Taken away by my friends brother... This wasn't how I planned my first kiss. Far from what I thought would be my vision of a perfect first kiss... It felt wrong. And yet I couldn't pull away, not because I was against a wall. It felt warm and soft bittersweet at most.

Percy pulls away laying both his hands on my cheeks rubbing my bottom lip. I stared into his eyes breathing heavily. He smiles resting his face against mines again breathing in my hair, "Hogwarts Sweetheart just lost her first kiss to the Head Boy"

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I was speechless by what just happened. My violin case dropped a while ago without me even knowing. I placed my hands on his chest and for the first time in a long time I didn't know what to think. Percy pulls away grabbing my hands putting them on his face.

"Don't think too much of this (Y/n) just take it in"

"I--you kissed me... I didn't even get a say in it"

I pulled my hands away feeling tears run down my face. I didn't want this, why me? Percy just looked at me tilting his head. He frowns stepping back he stares at the ground clenching his hands, "I fancy you (Y/n) that's why I kissed you... I had to since many boys around the school did too. I had to beat them to the one thing I knew I can have that they won't ever get from you"

"You're an idiot... W-What kind of logic is that?!"

He glared at me stepping forward grabbing my face. "It was the only thing I could think of okay?! Don't pretend you didn't like it I heard the little sigh you let out"

"N-No I didn't you liar!"

"Oh really? Let's try again and see if you won't do it again"

Percy forcibly pressed his lips onto mines holding me still. My muffled cries were the only thing that came out of me as he continued. With all my strength I pushed him slapping him in the face. My bottom lip felt swollen from him trying to bite it, "What the hell is wrong with you?!"

I grabbed my case running inside the common room before he could get me.  I leaned against the door hearing pounds and yelling. Tears streamed down my face as I listened to his screams until he left.

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