Chapter 4

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Leaky Cauldron

I open the dusty door to the Leaky Cauldron smiling at the workers. They smiled back asking if I'm here for dinner or a room reservation. I showed them the key to one of the rooms upstairs they nodded pointing to the stairway to the rooms.

It took a while but Smoky found the room leading me to it. It was well... dustier than I thought it would be. I notice the two beds with a small note on each of them. I pick up the one with my name on it reading it out loud to Smoky.

Dear Student of Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry,

As the Ministry of Magic, we will like to inform you of a possible threat to the school. We are informing all students to please stay near faculty and to avoid being alone. There is a possibility you may already know what we're talking about but if you don't, your Headmaster will tell you as soon as you go back to school.

Stay safe,
Minister Cornelius Oswald Fudge

"I should be worried but not right now"

Smoky screeches landing on my arm frowning at me, "Oh come on it says they'll tell us at school"

Smoky flies away to the top of the bed fluffing up turning his back on me. I called him down but he ignored me stretching his wings and tucked himself in,"Really? You're going to be like that? Smoky come down here"

After a few seconds, I hear Smoky snoring chirping away. My jaw dropped not believing what just happened that dang bird just fell asleep in just 5 seconds.


It's been two hours since I've arrived at the Leaky Cauldron and none of my friends shown up, 'maybe they would be arriving the next day'. I changed clothes almost ready to sleep. I went up to the post smoky was still sitting shaking it. He screeches finally looking down at me.

"It's bedtime go to your cage"

He hoots flying down to his open cage next to the bed chirping loudly, "Smoky shh"

I turned off the lights and crawled in bed getting comfy but then I heard keys. I quickly sat up watching the door pushed open. I stayed quiet watching the person open the door and close it quickly.

They rummage around placing things here and there until they turned on the lights. "Oh! My Merlin (Y/n)? What the bloody hell are you doing in my room?"

Harry fell on his bed looking at me like a crazy person"Your room? I was here first you just walked in without knocking"

"Because this is my room"

"Well I guess it explains the two beds"

Harry shook his head grabbing his clothes to change. He walks away to the bathroom coming back just a few minutes later. He goes up to Smoky scratching his head bringing Hedwig's cage to sit next to him.

The two howls chipped for a while and quickly went to sleep. "So uh how are your eyes?"

"Pretty good Mum has taken me to the wilderness in the backyard to control my anger let's just say a lot of woodland creatures are missing homes"

Harry chuckles patting my shoulder I cross my legs thinking about the poor creatures."Well on the bright side you no longer have the scar of you know who"

"True but now I go bat shit crazy when a person pisses me off but I've been keeping that side down pretty good"

"Think you can handle that anger if Malfoy calls Hermione that word"

"Well I didn't say I was great at holding it down and I don't think he will"

Harry tilts his head sitting down on my bed asking why. I curl a strand of my hair looking down, "I may or may not have gone to drink tea with Draco yesterday"

"W-what?! Why?! How?! Did your parents force you to go?!"

"Harry shh!! I went on my own to get back the book he took from me. We talked and he's grown up a bit"

I smiled my face felt warm from just thinking about our moment Harry gave me a disgusted face turning away, "Oh come on don't get pouty, look Draco asked me if I want to hang out with him in his compartment when we're going to school--"

"Okay then don't go"

"Well I was thinking that I'll hang out with him for a while and I'll come over to our original compartment for the rest of the ride"

"You know how insensitive that guy is (Y/n) please don't go, for your sake as well"

"But I mean isn't that what everyone wants to see? A girl beat up Draco in the train with no professors to stop the fight?"

"Why are you like this..... Alright, fine but I'm not saying I like this"

"Yay! I'll get you a box of chocolate frogs when we go to Hogsmead"

Harry smiles patting his legs thinking of something but shook his head. He gives me a hug saying he's happy to see me but pulled away quickly.

"What? What's wrong?"

"When I hugged you, you felt fluffy?"

"Did you just call me fat but in the softest way?"

"N-no your chest...area I'mgoingtosleepgoodnight!"

Harry runs for the light turning it runs without telling me what happened. I shrugged going to bed turning on my side falling into a seamless state.


I felt someone shake my shoulder calling my name, "(Y/n) wake up the breakfast menu is being served come on"

"Harrrrryyyyyy I don't want to exist yet"

"Come on I don't want to go alone"

"Fine let me just.....zzz"


I groaned sitting up staring at Harry he just stood there ready to laugh already knowing he was going to laugh at my mane hair but he stopped blushing heavily and turned around. I raised an eyebrow getting out of bed patting his back but he flinched away walking forward.

"I forgot should talk to a woman"

And he left I stood there still confused but I didn't question his response I quickly changed, brushed my teeth, fixed my mane of a hair to a passable due in society and out the door.

I left Smoky behind in his open cage because well the bird is still sleeping and I didn't want to disturb him. A rat and cat came running towards me, I recognized the rat instantly and caught the rat and cat in two different arms so they won't kill each other....mostly the rat.

I heard yelling from familiar voices downstairs bringing a smile to my face, "Alright Scabbers lets take you back to Ron"

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