Chapter 9

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In To ThE FuTuRe!!!

"Hello, I am Professor Trelawney. Together we shall cast ourselves into the future"

A crazy looking lady with big hair smiled at all of us explaining what we're going to be doing. Honestly, this class is useless but I was at least partnered with a good person. Neville Longbottom.

Yes, the same guy who got hanged on the dragon last year by Cornish Pixies. Just like everyone else he's grown a bit in height wise. After drinking our tea we were told to switch cups with our partners. I was beyond confused with what I was looking at, to which I gave up rather quickly.

I guess Neville was also confused cause he asked me what he was looking at. Professor Trelawney comes up to us asking if his grandmother was okay. She grabs his cup sicking her teeth and saying pity. I rolled my eyes telling him to not worry about it.

"(Y/n) give me the book"

"Neville this class is nothing but dumb educational guesses, nothing is wrong with your grandmother but here if you want to freak yourself out"

I ignored the conversation she was having with the class until she hollered like a monkey. "Great what now?"

"My boy you have the Grim"

"The grin? What's the grin?"

"Not the grin you idiot, the Grim taking the form of a giant spectral dog its among the darkest omens in our world its an omen of death"

I rolled my eyes leaning against my hand watching her go around the class once again sadly landing on poor Neville and I.

"You, my dear let's see your cup...awe why isn't that nice"

"What? Am I also going to die, future lady?"

"No? But I see the moon in your cup which signifies unity with a long lost family member"

"Oh really well hate to break it to you Professor but I already know all of my family members alive and dead"

"Wouldn't count on that dear now its the end of class I'll see you all tomorrow!"

I got up packing my stuff rolling my eyes as I make my way out with my friends, "That's ridiculous I know all of my family members there's no way there's a family member I don't know of"

Hermione laughs at my rant linking her arm with mine, "Don't mind her looney chats (Y/n) it's all rubbish anyway"

We strolled off outside of the castle for our next class of Care for Magical Creatures. We talked about how excited we were for Hagrid to finally be a Professor and about what we're most likely going to learn on the first day.

"I hope it isn't anything too big or yucky"

"Oh Ron the chance of that not happening is like 0.01% I hope he's going to talk about Grindylows and how they eat little scared boys"

I wiggle my fingers scaring Ron but he stopped as soon as he realized I was joking around. I switched hands carrying the heavy teethy book that just growled at me every time I made eye contact with it.

"Anyways do you think that Grim things got anything to do with Sirius Black?"

"Oh Ron honestly that class nothing wooly nonsense now Ancient Runes now that's a fascinating class"

"I agree with Hermione but sadly I couldn't fit it in my schedule"

"I'm sure you could've (Y/n)"

"Exactly how many classes are you taking?"

"A fair few"

I thought about the Ancient Runes class but then I noticed that that's not possible its the exact same time as Divination. Ron points that out but Hermione shuts him down saying that's silly.

"Broaden your minds. Use your Inner Eye to see the Future!"

Hermione mocked our Professor laughing at her ridiculous lesson. We finally reach Hagrid's home collecting up in the front. Once everyone was there we all followed Hagrid to the forest, "Alright you lot less chattering and more learning open your books to page 49"

"Exactly how do we do that?"

"You just stroke the spine of course goodness me now wait over there I'll be right back"

We went to the spot he pointed at waiting for him to come back I placed my bag down stroking the spine of the book. It purred relaxing in my hands, "I think they're funny"

"Oh yeah terribly funny, really witty. God this place has gone to the dogs wait until Father hears Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes"

I rolled my eyes not bothering to interfere with this situation. I just turned the pages of the book. Malfoy being himself is not where I want to be. My eyes widen at the page turning to Harry, my lack of words made no sense to the male as I tried to show him the creature.

Hagrid clears his throat presenting 5 hippogriffs. My heart burst at how beautiful the creatures looked. I quietly squealed inching forward. "Aren't they beautiful? Say hello to Buckbeak, Firestone, Lightning Dust, NightShade, and Moonstriker"

"Exactly what are those Hagrid?"

"These Ron are Hippogriffs first thing you want to know is that they are very proud creatures, very easily offended. You do not want to insult a hippogriff, it may be the last thing you ever do. Now, who'd like to come and say hello?"

I raised my hand standing next to Harry my excitement couldn't help but come out as I stood on my toes as Hagrid looked at us and choose me and Harry. I quickly stood by Hagrid as Harry nervously walked up to us.

"Now why don't you (Y/n) pair up with NightShade over there and you Harry with Buckbeak"

I slowly stood a good distance from the creature admiring the beauty. NightShade was sitting down starring me right in the eyes. I examined its feathers that were grey and black with a small luminance of blue in its feathers.

"Alright you have to let them come to you, it's only polite so slowly give them a nice bow and see if they bow back"

I slowly walked up closer to NightShade maintaining eye contact. I bowed waiting for NightShade to do the same. NightShade got up walking up to me loudly stomping their hooves against the leaf covered floor, I stayed calm and that's when it happened. They bowed! Buckbeak did too and everyone clapped.

"Alright now go and pat them (Y/n) mind her beak its got a small crack there and I'm sure you want to keep your fingers"

I nod sticking my hand out letting her come to me first. She stalked up to me letting my hand pet her neck feathers. They were as soft as they looked. I smiled petting her more as she sat back down.

I sat down with her she laid her head on my lap letting out a humming sound. After every bad thing that's happened in one day, this is what I needed.

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