Chapter 22

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Months have gone by and it's finally December meaning winter break is near!!! Yay!!! It also means we can finally go to Hogsmead!!! Finally, I've been waiting for so long to go to the tea shop Professor Lupin has told me about.

Smoky sat on my shoulder shaking off bits of snow falling on his little head, "You sure you don't want us to stay Harry?"

"I'm sure don't let me hold you back"

Apparently harry never got his permission slip signed by his Uncle because of well the incident of inflating his aunt. Professor McGonagall called us to group up taking us to the carriages that'll take us to Hogsmead. "So what should we do first?"

Ron asks Hermione shrugs going through her bag, "Well I was thinking about going to Honeydukes and going to Paddes teashop to re-read my book"

"That werewolf book again? Isn't it the 3rd time you've read that book?"

"Oh don't judge her Ron at least she's doing something productive unlike yourself"

I smiled at Hermione thanking her. We reached Hogsmead and it's exactly as to what I thought it'd be like. Old and filled with happiness. "You don't have to come with me if you don't want to. I don't mind letting you two mess around"

I grinned running off before Hermione could shout at me. I went to Honeydukes grabbing a small bag of sweets. Smoky chirps eating a pretzel stick I got for him in the shop. I looked around Hogsmead asking anyone who seemed to have been here for a while and I finally found the little teashop. I walked in there weren't many students in there matter in fact there were a bunch of couples here sharing drinks and snacks.

'This place just called me single'

I awkwardly sat down surrounded by people kissing each other but I refused to let that bother me...eheh. An old lady came up to me asking what is like to drink. I asked for a chamomile tea with honey lemon. She nods writing it down walking away. I pulled my scarf fixing myself in the booth.

Minutes went by and the old lady came back with my tea. She smiled placing it in front of me rubbing her chin, "You know you remind me of this student when he was young. He'd come here to avoid his over-energetic friends. Such a sweet boy he was"

"Did he by chance have scars across his face?"

"Why yes! How'd you know?"

"Lucky guess"

She smiled walking off to the front greeting students. I flip through my book pulling out my wand. There's a reason why I still have this book. After coming to the thought that Professor Lupin is a Werewolf I couldn't hand in the book just yet. With a flick, I tapped the book with the tip of my wand revealing the notes I've written into it. I know you shouldn't be writing on books that's like noob reading 101 but these notes disappear so I found a loophole!

Some random parchment papers stuck out of the book where I marked them color coded as well. I hummed looking at my notes. Smoky hoots holding another pretzel stick in his beak glancing at the book I've made notes on."You and me buddy I wrote down all of this and yet it barely makes sense"

"Do you always talk to your owl like it can respond back?"

I slammed my book closed looking at the person peaking over the booth behind me. It was Neville and Seamus they smiled at me joining me in my booth, "At times yeah...he understands me better than most people"

Smoky fluffs up bouncing at the two boys breaking the pretzel in two. Neville pets his head getting satisfied chirps. Seamus, who was sitting next to me, looked at my book asking what it is, "It's about a werewolf and what it's like to be in his...paws"

"Sounds intriguing mind if we take a look?"

"Maybe another day I have some notes in here that have...bothersome details"

And those bothersome details are about Professor Lupin being a werewolf. Seamus raised an eyebrow shrugging."Your owl is weird"

Neville laughs Smoky turned to us his head hanging upside down with a happy expression on his little face. We laughed at the derpy owl as he just chirped sitting down.

"So why are you two here?"

"Well, believe it or not, but we do like our calm non-explosive and non-life-threatening days"

Seamus says with a smirk. I snorted holding in my laugh, "Really? I thought you liked your explosive and life-threatening lives"

I sarcastically responded resting my chin on my hand. Neville drinks his tea with his pinky out, "Fancy much?"

"Well I am drinking tea might as well for the jokes"

I did the same as Neville when my tea arrived speaking in a fancy tone, "Ah yes, a delightful drink isn't it Sir Seamus?"

"Indeed Madam but I must say this drink needs a bit more herbs"

I laugh spilling a bit of my drink watching Neville and Seamus be fancy. The clock chimed getting most of everyone's attention, "We have an hour left before the carriages leave... let's go to Zokos joke shop"

Seamus suggests I looked at Neville he nodded getting up leaving change on the table. We cleaned up our mess leaving the building into the falling snow, "I always liked snowy days"

Neville says next to me with a smile. I smiled as well the snow crunched under us as we made our way to Zokos the laughter of kids roared out of the building making us excited, "What do you think you'll get (Y/n)?"

"I don't know maybe something small or perhaps nothing since I'll have no use for it"

"I'm going to get some nose biting teacups"

Seamus says with excitement running into the store leaving us behind. We laugh at his excitement following behind, "Hey (Y/n) how... Do you... I-never mind"

"What? What is it Neville?"

"Nothing it was a stupid question... About potion?"

I squint my eyes playfully nodding at his words, "Alright whatever you say Neville"

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